About this mod
changes mission content such as what enemies spawn and how many, what and how many edf soldiers
spawn, new edf npc units and new enemy mutant typs, and ad DLC enemys to normal mission. make the missions more differently and som more difficult,
place the sound folder to edf 4.1 main folder
needs DLC Mission pack 1 and 2
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
the revengers have returned and are stronger than ever before, the EDF sends everything it has into the battle, new vehicles and special units are sent to stop the invaders, the air force tries everything to stop the ufos but almost all weapons turn out to be useless , even tactical nuclear weapons are used to turn the tide of war, mankind is on the verge of extinction and it is again up to storm team to turn the tide and win the war.
changes mission content such as what enemies spawn and how many, what and how many edf soldiers spawn, new edf npc units, new enemy mutant typs,
add Unused musik from edf 4.1 , edf 2017 and edf Iron Rain
make the missions more differently and som more difficult and ad DLC enemys to normal mission, makes also some battles bigger. mission 4 is intended as an armor farm mission, if you ned more live.if you play online you have to create a private room if other players join you who do not have the mod, the game crash. what missions are changed can be found in the mission liste Text file, more missions will follow with updates
the content of some missions will be changed with every update, so it's worth repplay them
NPC Air Raider weapons not increase or decrease ther damage in different degrees of difficulty, means they always do the same damage, I have adapted them that they do enough damage in inferno means that they are too overpowered on easy, normal and hard difficulty, the same goes for the NPC Air Raider vehicle drops, I gave them the strongest model of the vehicle type, It's up to you whether you use it or not
i have add the new ai vehicle as pre placed player vehicle to youse
the new Pre placed Player Vehicle have unlimed ammo ore reload auto after all ammo are shots
needs DLC Mission pack 1 and 2
install edf BlueAmulet modloader first
and place the mission , object , weapon folders to ( earth defence force 4.1, Mods ) folder
place the sound folder to edf 4.1 main folder
make a backup of your TIKYUUX_MUSIC.ACB and TIKYUUX_MUSIC.AWB in SOUND/PC folder if you want to restore your original musik