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About this mod

This installer manages your mods comprehensively, installing UE4SS, Logic mods, patch mods, and mod_config files. It backs up save files, including mod saves, provides an overview of installed mods, and supports easy uninstallation.

Permissions and credits
Please leave a comment or contact me on Discord if anything doesn't work as expected.

New Update: 

This update fixes a bug where a patch mod was being installed as both a patch mod and a logic mod. As a result, a `/mods` folder would be created inside your `LogicMods` folder, containing the patch mod.

If you have used this mod previously, please check the following directory:  
`...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Content\Paks\LogicMods\`

Make sure there isn’t a `/mods` folder inside. If you find one, simply delete it.

Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer
Please leave a comment or contact me on Discord if anything doesn't work as expected.

Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer
This installer manages your mods comprehensively, installing UE4SS, Logic mods, patch mods, and mod_config files. It backs up save files, including mod saves, provides an overview of installed mods, and supports easy uninstallation.


1. Download `Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer.zip`
- Extract `Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer` to a location of your choice.
2. Download all the Blueprint and Patch mods you want to install.
- Open each downloaded zip file and extract/move the mod folder to the Mod Installer folder (`Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer`).
- Look through the mod folder(s) to make sure you didnt download a version of a mod that comes with the installer.
- Patch mods can go directly into "Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer" or be placed in "Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer\Mods."
- Patch mod files should be placed directly into either of those folders (no modname folder is needed).
- Logic mods: move the entire modname folder directly into "Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer."
3. Run `Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer.bat`.

Installer Functions

Locate Game Directory:
- Prompts you to select the drive where Steam is installed to determine the game installation path.
- If it takes more than a minute or two to find Steam, close the window and relaunch the installer; it often works faster the second                     time.

Install UE4SS:
- Installs/Copies UE4SS to `\steamapps\common\Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Binaries\Win64`.
- Includes all necessary settings (pre-configured) and modifications for easier-to-read console printouts.

Create Save Backup:
- Creates backups in `Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer\DDS2_Save_Backup\mm-dd-yyyy` format.
- Indexes multiple backups in a day with `mm-dd-yyyy_#`.
- Backs up all your cartels, `UserSettings.sav`, and any other `.sav` files created by mods.

Find & Install Mods:
- Searches `\Huslaa DDS2 Mod Installer\` for folders containing any Logic mods or Patch mods.
- Skips any mods missing `.pak`, `.ucas`, or `.utoc` files.
- Installs/Copies all mods to:
- `\steamapps\common\Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Content\paks\Mods\`.
- `\steamapps\common\Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Content\paks\LogicMods\ModName\`.
- Searches for `modname_config.txt` files to update or append customizable mod configs to `engine.ini`.

Mod Config Update:
- Detects any `modname_config.txt` files in your mod folders.
- Automatically updates or appends the relevant settings to the `engine.ini` configuration file.
- Allows players to customize mod settings as defined by the mod creator.

View Installed Mods:
- Displays a list of all installed mods in the console.

Uninstall Mods:
- Provides an option to remove installed mods selectively.


DDS Workshop (Modding) Discord:
- https://discord.gg/xf6QQqkSaR

This installer manages your mods comprehensively, installing UE4SS, Logic mods, patch mods, and mod_config files. It backs up save files, including mod saves, provides an overview of installed mods, and supports easy uninstallation.


1. Download `Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer.zip`
- Extract `Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer` to a location of your choice.
2. Download all the Blueprint and Patch mods you want to install.
- Open each downloaded zip file and extract/move the mod folder to the Mod Installer folder (`Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer`).
- Look through the mod folder(s) to make sure you didnt download a version of a mod that comes with the installer.
- Patch mods can go directly into "Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer" or be placed in "Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer\Mods."
- Patch mod files should be placed directly into either of those folders (no modname folder is needed).
- Logic mods: move the entire modname folder directly into "Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer."
3. Run `Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer.bat`.

Installer Functions

Locate Game Directory:
- Prompts you to select the drive where Steam is installed to determine the game installation path.
- If it takes more than a minute or two to find Steam, close the window and relaunch the installer; it often works faster the second                     time.

Install UE4SS:
- Installs/Copies UE4SS to `\steamapps\common\Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Binaries\Win64`.
- Includes all necessary settings (pre-configured) and modifications for easier-to-read console printouts.

Create Save Backup:
- Creates backups in `Huslaa's DDS2 Mod Installer\DDS2_Save_Backup\mm-dd-yyyy` format.
- Indexes multiple backups in a day with `mm-dd-yyyy_#`.
- Backs up all your cartels, `UserSettings.sav`, and any other `.sav` files created by mods.

Find & Install Mods:
- Searches `\Huslaa DDS2 Mod Installer\` for folders containing any Logic mods or Patch mods.
- Skips any mods missing `.pak`, `.ucas`, or `.utoc` files.
- Installs/Copies all mods to:
- `\steamapps\common\Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Content\paks\Mods\`.
- `\steamapps\common\Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Content\paks\LogicMods\ModName\`.
- Searches for `modname_config.txt` files to update or append customizable mod configs to `engine.ini`.

Mod Config Update:
- Detects any `modname_config.txt` files in your mod folders.
- Automatically updates or appends the relevant settings to the `engine.ini` configuration file.
- Allows players to customize mod settings as defined by the mod creator.

View Installed Mods:
- Displays a list of all installed mods in the console.

Uninstall Mods:
- Provides an option to remove installed mods selectively.


DDS Workshop (Modding) Discord:
- https://discord.gg/xf6QQqkSaR