About this mod
35+ Text chat console commands!
Adjustable player limit, Dump all hideout waste, Add Cartel XP, flying, Restock all shops, Unlock all hideouts, Set distributor range, Clear map fog, Unlock all shop offers, Complete all active tasks/quests, Give wealth money, Give Cash, Save teleport Spots, Force raids, Set-Time, + lot more.
- Permissions and credits
You must be the host of the game!
Commands [Triggered via In Game Chat]
- !spawnitem [string] [int32] ---- Spawns item, first parameter is expecting a itemID and 2nd is expecting quantity
- !overrideplayerlimit [int32] ---- Overrides the player limit for co-op sessions
- !settime [int32] ---- Sets the time in game
- !addcash [int32] ---- Gives the specified Large bills to you
- !setalldrugprices [int32] ---- Sets the amount every client will pay in each area for every drug
- !spawntimmyarmy [int32] ---- Spawns multiple Timmy's, a debugging NPC
- !giveprisonsentence [int32] ---- Gives the specified prison sentence (May still need some work, as my testing only showed me getting sent to jail)
- !giveallfurniture [int32] ---- Gives the specified amount of every furniture to your storage
- !addcartelxp [double] ---- Adds the specified amount to your cartel XP
- !setdistributorrange [double] ---- Sets the range your distributors can reach dealers
- !givebankmoney [double] ---- Adds the specified amount directly to your wealth
- !setbankmoney [double] ---- Sets the specified amount directly to your wealth
- !setalldrugdemand [double] ---- Sets the drug demand amount for every influencer (Wont add drugs that cant be sold in the area, and cannot go above the max demand)
- !addstreetcred [double] ---- Adds the specified amount to your street cred XP
- !setwalkspeed [double] ---- Sets your walking speed
- !setsprintspeed [double] ---- Sets your running speed
- !setflashlightpower [double] ---- Sets your flashlight power (Turn your flashlight off and on to see changes)
- !setflashlightradius [double] ---- Sets your flashlight radius (Turn your flashlight off and on to see changes)
- !addallshopsreputation [double] ---- Adds a specified amount of XP to all shops
- !giveallsubstances [double] ---- Gives a specified amount of every substance into your substance storage (must trigger in hideout)
- !say [string] ---- Sends a message as SYSTEM
- !addteleport [string] ---- Saves a teleport keyspot (Persistent on game restart, Teleports are stored in game saves)
- !teleport [string] ---- Teleport to saved keyspot
- !completetask [string] ---- Force completes the specified TaskID
- !setweather [string] ---- Sets the weather to specified PresetID [Rain, Clear]
- !godmode [bool] ---- Enables or disables godmode
- !autosaveenabled [bool] ---- Enables or disables auto saving
- !fly ---- Lets you fly
- !unlockallhideouts ---- Unlock all available hideouts
- !completeactivetasks ---- Complete all active tasks/quests
- !unlockallshopoffers ---- Unlock all shop offers
- !spawntimmy ---- Spawns Timmy, a debugging NPC
- !killalltimmy ---- Makes all spawned Timmy's explode and despawn
- !restockallshops ---- Restock all shops
- !mapfogclear ---- Clears fog off of the player map
- !releaseassignedclients ---- Releases all player assigned clients, allowing them to be used normally again
- !forcemilitaryraid ---- Forces a military raid to occur (must be inside a hideout when triggering)
- !dumpallwaste ---- Dumps all waste from all owned hideouts
- !exportdatabase_substances ---- Exports the DataTable containing all IDs to your DDS2 appdata local folder.
- !exportdatabase_shops ---- Exports a text file containing all IDs to your DDS2 appdata local folder.
- !exportdatabase_equipment ---- Exports a text file containing all IDs to your DDS2 appdata local folder.
- !exportdatabase_hideouts ---- Exports a text file containing all IDs to your DDS2 appdata local folder.
- !exportdatabase_tasks ---- Exports a text file containing all IDs to your DDS2 appdata local folder.
- !exportdatabase_items ---- Exports a text file containing all IDs to your DDS2 appdata local folder.
Do not include [ ] while running your commands, these are just visual representations that a parameter is expected there.
Command Parameters Explained
- int32 ---- a number [example: 30]
- double ---- A decimal number [example: 1000.500000]
- string ---- Normal text
- bool ---- True or False
Recommended Installation [Brando_DDS2Helper_WithUE4SS]
1. Download Brando_DDS2Helper_WithUE4SS from Files Page
2. Open the .zip file
3. copy the dwmapi.dll and ue4ss folder into:
\steamapps\common\Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Binaries\Win64
Manual Installation [Brando_DDS2Helper_JUSTMOD]
1. Download and install Experimental UE4SS_v3.0.1-98: (UE4SS Latest Experimental Branch) [You must use this exact version of UE4SS-RE]
2. Download and open Brando_DDS2Helper_JUSTMOD from Files Page, copy folder to:
Drug Dealer Simulator 2\DrugDealerSimulator2\Binaries\Win64\ue4ss\Mods
3. In the \ue4ss\Mods folder, open mods.txt and add this line listed below, then save the file.
Brando_DDS2Helper : 1
4. Edit UE4SS-settings.ini in the UE4SS folder and set ConsoleEnabled to 1, example below.
; Whether to enable the external UE4SS debug console.
ConsoleEnabled = 1
GuiConsoleEnabled = 1
GuiConsoleVisible = 0
- This is my first time using lua
- Use at your own risk: I am not responsible for any unforeseen side effects
- Make a backup of your Cartels / Saves before using
Bug Reports or contact via discord brando136