About this mod
In-Engine colorgrading. No Reshade.
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For the intended look, set in-game brightness 2 or 3 ticks to the right and keep white and black level sliders at their extremes.
If you want the tone warmer like vanilla, you can warm it up through Reshade: prod80 filters>ColorTemperature
More tips on how to improve the game's looks can be found on my mod list.
How to edit the LUTs in this game:
The header of the LUT's dds file will only point to the first slice of the full texture. To edit it properly:
Step 1 (skip this if all you want to edit are the LUTs, they're all the same size): Export the texture you want to edit (with Nvidia Texture Tools Exporter etc.) with the same configuration as the original file. Mind the mipmap limit. If the exact size of the original file minus 148 bytes divided by the exact size of the generated file minus 148 bytes makes a whole number, you (probably) got the correct size. The number we just calculated times the original reported height is the true height of the LUT.
Step 2, UPDATED: Forget about splitting up the files, just change the height in the dds header (uint from bytes 13 through 16, or just use 010 Editor with the dds template) to the true height (4356 pixels in case of the LUTs). Convert the 1 big DDS file (16*4356 pixels) to a more editable format like png.
Step 3: The structure of the full LUT is unclear to me but it can be edited with color/value filters just the same.
Freeware method: Gimp>G'Mic>CLUT from After - Before Layers
Lets you create a LUT from a before and after picture. Then use "Apply External CLUT" to apply it to the original LUT. The resulting LUT will be 4x too intensive though, so overlay it with the original LUT at just 25% opacity.
Step 4: Export your edited texture back to DDS (in case of the LUTs that is 16x4f, mipmap limit 1).
If the resolution did not change you may want to forgo ReTool and directly swap the header of your exported .dds file (first 148 bytes) with the header of the original .tex file (first 56 bytes). That is because there are some resolution oddities that ReTool does not account for.