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About this mod

Adds a marker to the map to the location of the first Seeker's Token the player has acquired, where a Finder's Token can be found.

Permissions and credits
Adds a marker to the map to the location of the first Seeker's Token the player has acquired when the "A Game of Wits" quest is set as the priority quest.

This leads to the location of a Finder's Token if it has not already been acquired while the Riddle of Rumination subquest is active.

No marker will be added when "A Game of Wits" is set as the priority quest and the player has not acquired any Seeker's Tokens yet.

Requires REFramework.


  • Install REFramework.
  • Extract the contents of the ZIP archive to the game installation folder retaining the folders in the ZIP archive.
  • Ensure the files have been extracted to the game installation folder in the following layout:
    • reframework\autorun\gibbed_RiddleOfRuminationMarker.lua