Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
25th theme - Dungeons and Dragons Dogma

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  1. clauDA
    • member
    • 233 kudos
    25th theme - Dungeons and Dragons Dogma

    Since I have a lot of time right now, I added a few more pictures than I would otherwise.
    All pictures are from "Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen". I use high settings, some new textures (not yet finished)
    for example from LDKSuperDante and my own ReShade settings. I thought it fits the topic well.
    Thanks to all modders!

    theme info:

    Dragon’s Dogma ( Doragonzu Doguma )
    is an action role-playing game developed by Capcom in 2012.
    The open game world gives the player a lot of freedom of action,
    while the game principle is assigned to the hack and slay and is therefore more action and battle-oriented.

    Dark Arisen expansion:
    With the Dark Arisen expansion, the game world of Dragon’s Dogma has been expanded by a 15-hour side story.
    One day the player meets a mysterious shadow of a woman in his home village Kassardis.
    This shadow takes the player to the remote Finstergram Island, where new enemies and items can be found.

    Dragon’s Dogma was developed under the leadership of Hideaki Itsuno,
    who has been involved in the development of Resident Evil, Devil May Cry and Breath of Fire.
    He took over the climbing from Shadow of the Colossus. The graphic style was based on dark souls.

    The decisive fight against the dragon Grigori is approaching.

    25th theme - Final Compilation:

  2. DayneofStarfall
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    You are very talented at creating these visual stories! Great work !
  3. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    This looks beautiful, Claudia! Somber and with a foreboding darkness, yet also warm and inviting in certain shots. Superb feeling of an adventure too with your characters on traverse into an abandoned ruin. All of it reminds me a lot of the excellent spin-off Enderal, a game I still need to put more hours into. It appears to have the same wonderful atmosphere!

    As I told you in my pm, I do own Dragon's Dogma as well and I remember I made a character once and started off in the first area - a small town by the coast if I recall it correctly. I also did a Pawn character at a military camp right outside that town, but that's pretty much how far I've reached (which is nothing I'm sure). Your images here truly poke the interest to install the game again and have another go with it. It sure looks marvellous and I really like the sense of an adventure in this set.

    Thank you very much for being part of the event!
  4. modbeggar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Dragon's Dogma missed being the best RPG ever devised for not letting you have more control over your party. If it had like a RTS style and deep pawn character creation it would have been by far, the best game of this genre ever made. I can't wait for what the creator has in store for his second game in the franchise. BTW, your pictures are really great.
  5. deleted62824436
    • account closed
    • 65 kudos
    Looks great! (:
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 233 kudos
      Thank you Lisa! (-;
  6. Lobstermagic
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    Great shots! I really loved this game and your screenshots make me miss it! Maybe it's time for a second playthrough :D
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 233 kudos
      Is very nice. I have not yet made the expansion "Dark Arisen" Island Finstergram.
      So I still have work to do. (-;
      Thank you
  7. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    Das ist ein sehr schöner Beitrag zum Thema. Es ist eine schöne Abwechslung sein mal einen Beitrag außerhalb von Skyrim zu sehen.
    Die Atmosphäre in den Bildern ist sehr stimmungsvoll und passend.
    Sind die vier Charaktere durch das Spiel vorgegeben oder selbst gestaltet?
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 233 kudos
      Vielen Dank. Ich freue mich, dass Du es magst.
      Wollte mal was anderes außer Bethesda Spiele machen.
      Deinen eigenen Charakter und den deines Hauptvasallen/Follower
      (bei mir Gael und Cora) kannst Du vollständig selbst gestalten. Sehr umfangreich sogar.
      Alt-Jung, Dick-Dünn usw. Es dürfen noch 2 Söldner oder Freunde dich begleiten.
      Diese kannst Du "nur" einkleiden, nicht verändern.
      In der Stadt gibt es einen Friseur, in dem Du deine Frisur ändern kannst.
      Tolle Idee, wie ich finde.
  8. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    Mir fehlt leider die Zeit, um so viel zu spielen, wie ich eigentlich möchte. Deine Bilder passen super zum Thema und machen mich neugierig auf dieses Spiel. Habe noch nie davon gehört...
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 233 kudos
      Hey Danke. Ist eine Konsolen Umsetzung für PC. Mit Bonus.
      Ja, das Spiel ist nicht sehr bekannt, aber ziemlich gut.
      Im Moment habe ich dank der Situation leider viel Zeit zum Spielen.
  9. deleted75479183
    • account closed
    • 65 kudos
    Glorious set Claudia !
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 233 kudos
      it was worth it and a lot of fun. Thank you