Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition

; 起動時のレンダーターゲットのサイズを固定化する
r.RenderTargetInitializeBufferSizeX=2560 ; default 1600 x 900
r.RenderTargetInitializeBufferSizeY=1440  ; changed to 2560x1440

; LPVを有効にする > 無効にしました KITAMURAT.8/4/2015
r.LightPropagationVolume=1 ; default 0

; スキン用のSSAO半径を設定する
r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusSkin=10 ; default 5 in DE, 10 in OG
r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale=0.8 ; readded in 0.0.3 with a *much* smaller value
r.AmbientOcclusionSampleSetQuality=1 ; improve sample quality
r.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction=1 ; same with this
r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality=-100 ; fixed to (negative) 100 in 0.0.3 (overrides postprocessvolume setting)
r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=2 ; (mip levels used for AO, 2=soft addition, functionally very similar to -1 in practice)
r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor=0 ; 0 will always use the highest mip level regardless of postprocessing (set in Scalability), but may cause cache to be wasted (less RAM efficient)

; ブルームのチラつき対策を有効にする
; r.BloomReduceFlicking=0 ; default 1, commented out in 0.0.2

; ブルームの使用ステージ順を逆にしてクオリティを下げる
r.BloomReverseStages=1 ; default
r.BloomQuality=5 ; default 3, 5 is highest quality
r.Bloom.Cross=-0.7 ; reduced again in 0.0.3 (-0.9 -> -0.7), effect was too strong

; DistanceFieldsのAtlasTextureSizeを固定してZを1024から512に変更
r.DistanceFields.FixedSizeAtlasTexture=0 ; default 1
r.DistanceFields.AtlasSizeZ=1024 ; default 512, changed by devs from 1024 (UE4 default)

; DistanceFieldsのLightTilesのサイズを128に固定
r.DFShadowFixedLightTiles=256 ; default 128, reduced by devs to accommodate PS4 (presumably)

; DistanceFieldsのTileCullingをOFF(UE4.13でカリングによる不具合が直ったのでONに戻します)
; r.DFShadowScatterTileCulling=0 ; commented out by default, causes 'flicking' on older UE4 version (re-commented in 0.0.2)

; PlanarReflectionを無効にする
r.AllowGlobalClipPlane=1 ; changed in 0.0.2, default 0 (enables planar reflection, if assets support it)

; TextureRenderTarget2DのbHDRのデフォルトをfalseにする
; r.TextureRenderTarget2DDefaultHDR=1 ; default 0 -- commented out in 0.0.4 (no real improvement, possible performance hit)
r.TextureRenderTarget2DScale=1.5 ; default 1 -- reduced in 0.0.4 (2x -> 1.5x) due to performance concerns (2x is likely overkill in almost any scenario)

; Tonemapper の仕組みを UE4.15 以前の仕組みに戻す
r.TonemapperFilm=0 ; default -- film setting makes colors/contrast worse, ugly af
; r.Tonemapper.MergeWithUpscale.Mode=1 -- commented out due to reported issues w/ scaling (0.0.2)
r.TonemapperGamma=1.6 ; decreased in 0.0.4 (2.35 -> 1.6)
r.Color.Mid=0.8 ; increased in 0.0.4 to counteract a lower tonemappergamma (0.0.4) -- much better color balance!
r.PostProcessingColorFormat = 1 ; better quality color format, game default = 0 -- pulled from emoose Engine.ini (forces 128-bit color, may have signifcant performance impact!)

; TranslucencyLightingVolumeの非同期CSクリアをオフ
; ONにするとPS4で半透明が光り輝く問題の対応(UE4.18でもまだ起きるのを確認済み)
r.EnableAsyncComputeTranslucencyLightingVolumeClear=1 ; default 0 cuz PS4 couldn't handle it

; MovableなPoint/Spotライトのキャッシュをオフ
r.Shadow.CacheWholeSceneShadows=1 ; default 0 -- caches shadows in VRAM, more efficient at runtime

; AOでDistanceFieldを使わない -- Ambient Occlusion Distance Field settings
r.AOGlobalDistanceField=1 ; default 0
r.AOHeightfieldOcclusion=1 ; default 0
r.HeightfieldGlobalIllumination=1 ; default 0

; 影解像度設定&シャドウマップを使い回す
r.Shadow.MinWholeSceneShadowMapSizeX=6144 ; default 3072 in DE, set to OG value
r.Shadow.MinWholeSceneShadowMapSizeY=2048 ; default 1024 in DE, set to OG value
r.Shadow.MinPointLightShadowResolution=128 ; adjusted in 0.0.2 (32 -> 128)
r.Shadow.MaxPointLightShadowResolution=2048 ; adjusted in 0.0.2 (1024 -> 2048)
r.MinScreenRadiusForCSMDepth=0.0 ; added CSM details in 0.0.2 (thx @NikoofDeath)

; 最小リフレクションキャプチャ数
r.MinNumReflectionCaptures=200 ; default 85 -- higher quality reflections // increased in 0.0.2 (140 -> 200)

; 草の分割数を4096頂点毎に変更(デフォルトは16384) (was 4096)
foliage.MinVertsToSplitNode=16384 ; default 4096

; FXAAではジッタリングしないように設定
r.Jittering=1 ; 2 by default, 1 is UE4 default -- was set to 2 due to FXAA (devs), changed back to 1

; TiledDeferredを明示的にOFF(ポイントライト80個も置かないので)
r.TiledDeferredShading=1 ; "false" by default, 1 is UE4 default -- "no 80 point lights are placed", so devs turned off, changed back to on

; misc custom additions
r.LensFlareQuality=3 ; default 2
r.EyeAdaptation.MethodOveride=2 ; set basic eye adaptation (the histogram-based method (1, default) does not work correctly in DQXI and will result in overexposure in certain spots!)
r.EyeAdaptationQuality=3 ; creates an auto-exposure effect when going from a dark environment to bright or vice-versa (default 0, set in Scalability) -- this can cause an "overexposure" issue in certain spots! disable if necessary (0.0.5 - added r.EyeAdaptation.MethodOveride to force "Basic" method, as the histogram-based method did not work correctly in DQXI) (0.0.5 - also increased quality to "3")
r.LightFunctionQuality=3 ; default 1
r.RefractionQuality=3 ; default 2
r.ReflectionEnvironmentScale=1 ; default 0.5
r.DepthOfFieldQuality=4 ; default 1
r.DetailMode=2 ; (UE4 default)
r.MaterialQualityLevel=1 ; (UE4 default)

; SSR & SSS effects
; r.SSR.Cone=1 -- matter of personal taste, I prefer cone off (default) but leaving commented out

; Volumetric fog

; Added from emoose Engine.ini (0.0.4)
r.GBufferFormat=4 ; higher-precision GBuffer, game default = 1
r.Filter.SizeScale=2 ; scale up sample count for bloom/DOF, game default = 1
r.EmitterSpawnRateScale=2 ; double the emitter/particle count, game default = 1
r.DFFullResolution=1 ; "full resolution distance field shadowing", game default = 0

; game culls lights based on their size on the screen, lower the culling size so that more lights can stay onscreen -- integrated from emoose Engine.ini (0.0.4)
r.MinScreenRadiusForLights=0.015 ; game default = 0.03
r.MinScreenRadiusForSmallLights=0.005 ; game default = 0.01

; NPC draw distance fix (integrated from emoose Engine.ini)

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