Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Goku af transfromations

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1 comment

  1. SkyrimNoobmasterx69
    • BANNED
    • 14 kudos

    I'm mostly on VRChat nowadays, but i used to post fallout 4 & xv2 stuff. . . . The xenoverse 2 stuff was just for storage & memory, no one is active on this nexus when it comes to this game. . . So i post mainly for memories of my cool mods!

    (Goku Mods aren't mine btw just mashup of mods by different modders by me)

    SkyrimNoobmasterx69's profile at Nexus mods and community
    Check out my fallout 4 & xenoverse 2 pics if you want. . . You can tell which game is more active by the amount of likes. . . But then again xv2 has their own active site.