As I mentioned in the announcement post, our choices were made based on which images we enjoyed most. We understand that everyone will have their own favourites, but let’s keep comments positive and light-hearted. This competition was all about having a bit of fun, after all, and we’d like to ensure our winners feel respected and celebrated.
Now let's get into it!

1st Place – PinkyDude: Our first-place winner is PinkyDude. We absolutely loved this scene; it truly captured the Classic Halloween vibe with its focus on carving pumpkins and having fun together. The lighting and composition enhanced the festive atmosphere, evoking that nostalgic Halloween spirit.

2nd Place – Rosslinn: For us, this entry perfectly embodied Classic Halloween, incorporating many elements we associate with the season. The atmosphere was both eerie and playful, creating a well-rounded depiction of the theme.

3rd Place – Klaatu27: We enjoyed this unique take on a Classic Halloween figure, which was paired beautifully with an old-school horror film aesthetic. It felt like a timeless Halloween character brought to life.

1st Place – XenolithicYardZone: This entry stood out by capturing an intense feeling of horror, dread and sense of forboding. We were particularly impressed by the lighting and composition, which helped to amplify the eerieness and unsettling atmosphere.

2nd Place – Vwarf: This piece embodied the fear and anxiety inspired by the Phantom Liberty mission. The tension was palpable, and we felt fully immersed in the unsettling, high-stakes scene it portrayed.

3rd Place – Justgerlionstuff: We found the body horror elements in this image striking. The intense, sinister stare gave us a deeply creepy and unnerving feeling, that really struck us.

1st Place – Cephalopodae: We really enjoyed this portrayal of the final scene from Midsommar. The attention to detail in the flower props and dedication to this niche horror film really made the scene come alive and demonstrated impressive craftsmanship.

2nd Place – DovaDigital: This was a brilliant recreation of the iconic scene from Alien. The lighting and composition were impressively matched to the original, whilst staying true to Cyberpunk.

3rd Place – PinkyDude: We loved the dramatic lighting, bold use of red, and composition of this scene. It had a cinematic quality reminiscent of Sin City, whilst capturing the intense fear of being pursued by a menacing figure.
A massive congratulations to all of our winners and runners-up. We were so impressed with the talent and dedication you all displayed. You can also find all the submissions for each category in our forums here.
We had so much fun running this competition that we’ve decided to host a festive one in the lead-up to the December holiday season, so keep an eye out for more details!
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A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingI wonder how many images were uploaded for this event ?🤔
Thank you for coming up with this Halloween challenge, everyone's entries were so cool! And thank you for picking my pictures, I'm glad it resonated with y'all 🤗🧡
I have to say, as thankfull as I am to be on the podium twice, it might be better for future competitions to pick different winners for each categories?
Even if the categories are different, it's all part of the same Competition and this exact situation can create unecessary, yet understandable, frustration from other participants and users? (I hope I don't sound ungrateful, this would just avoid unecessary drama for everyone involved aha)
Thanks again and Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃
In fact putting a winner twice can cause trouble, then you have to admit, your photos are superb !
Great job
No worries, your message doesn’t sound ungrateful at all!
We really appreciate the feedback; it’s exactly the kind of input that will help us make each competition better than the last. This being our first one as a team, we’re taking note of everything, what worked well and what we could fine-tune going forward. We're always open to suggestions, and what the community would like to see going forward :)
Pls don't think that I'm jealous or something like this, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I have two questions...
Why 5 out of 9 winners are Cyberpank2077 users, don't you have another games? It seems not fair to disregard another games, taking into account that for some games it's really hard to achieve some Halloween atmosphere, due to poor game modding capability.
The second thing, as I remember one of requirements was that "The original screenshot must have been taken in-game", but why some contestants pictures, for example first picture by PinkyDude, seems like rendered in some 3d software? Pls correct me if I'm wrong.I'm already not saying that PinkyDude was nominated two times for the same game, once again is there are no other games to judge?Edited: (PinkyDude, sorry for being suspicious... My mistake. Your picture is really great though 🎃)
Love you all ❤ and Happy Halloween 🎃 !!!
The scene was shot in the Aldecaldos camp (the second one, after Panam's questline is finished)
Here's a collage (not that I need to prove myself but it can be interesting for others as well) of different shots I took before the final pic; I always try different angles and lights config. The fourth pic is the one I went with, next to it is my first pass in RawTherapee and then final edits in Photoshop!
If other stuff wasn't so good as the CP77, which indeed not true because I saw all the other pics from other games, and plenty of them looks fantastic buy the way, so for what to claim this competition is "for all games", better call it "for CP77 only" next time... 5 out of 9, Carl!
Please accept my apologies for being suspicious... My mistake. Your picture is really great though 🎃
Thanks for reaching out and letting us know how you feel about the competition! We genuinely appreciate the time and creativity that all our participants, including yourself, invested into their entries.
When we were picking winners and the runner-ups, we aimed to choose images that we felt best matched the themes and examples we shared for each category. Cyberpunk 2077 did end up getting a lot of love this time around, but that’s simply because many entries from that game aligned well with the prompts and really stood out as screen archery shots. That said, we totally get where you’re coming from, and we’ll definitely keep this feedback in mind for future competitions, our goal is always to make things feel fair and fun for everyone involved.
Happy Halloween! :- )
Boo! (From the Starfield gaming mods side)
Halloween Film
Halloween Classic
Halloween Horror
No matter how you approach art, it is still uniquely driven by human power.
I still have my Cyberpunk original RPG box set from 89....Fun.