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Julia Barcelos

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About this mod

The Crows rule Antiva and Treviso will be clean(er)!

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This project started as me trying to get rid of the flies, as their noise was grating to me while exploring.

Then I saw Gabett's wonderful Docktown Cleanup mod and thought to myself "you know what, the corpses lying around make no sense after a while"

And then we have some banters mentioning the Grey Wardens are helping the city get rid of the worst part of the Blight, and Neve's sent help from Tevinter as well, sooo... Here's a cleaner Treviso.

I like to install it after Fire and Ice to signify the passing of time, but you can use it however you want to.

  • All corpses around town
  • Flies 
  • Most canal tendrils 
  • Most blighted bulbs

However, the flies buzzing is still present, as removing it made the game crash (no idea why). I managed to make them muffled, so they're way less notable than they originally are.

Huge thanks to everyone at the Veilguard modding discord server! This mod wouldn't exist without them!