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Removes the peacock tail feathers from Isabela's outfit.

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Edits out the tail feathers on Isabela's outfit so she looks a little less out of character?

Compatible with anything that does not edit "f_hf_BDY_Isabela_01c_BCLRA"

Most retextures available are compatible since the only other thing in this asset is some of her gold. If the retexture effects her metal or feathers than you can load this below it and both will work though she will have some gold regardless of the rest of the retextures metal.

This does not effect the similar Lords of Fortune outfit worn by Rowan and other faction members. They get to keep their Mardi Gras tail feathers.

Pictured with Queen of the Eastern Seas - Isabela Redux the fantastic edit by Aimryax 
It gives her scars and a hint of having aged in the past decade. Highly recommended! 

Please post your pictures! I like seeing them :)