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Removes all the miscellaneous Kirkwall and Amell heraldry that seems to be plastered all over Inquisition for no reason.

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Looking for a Frosty version? Laffayert made one!

Why does everything you encounter in Inquisition seem to have Kirkwall an Amell heraldry all over it? Why is all the wine from Kirkwall?  Why, for the love of the Maker does the army of the Freemen of the Dales wear armor with Kirkwall heraldry?

Well, it bothered me enough that I did something about it. This should remove any and all Kirkwall and Amell heraldry from Inquisition. No more random shields in random dungeons with the Amell crest for no reason, no more Krem with Kirkwall heraldry on the back of his armor, no more crazy Orlesian deserters running around in armor that makes no sense (they're still crazy Orlesian deserters, but at least they're not wearing inexplicable armor any more).

Removes all the miscellaneous Kirkwall and Amell heraldry that seems to be plastered all over Inquisition for no reason. This affects props; NPC armor for Krem, Samson, and the Freemen of the Dales; and PC armor for looted and crafted versions of the Free Army armor.

If you want to keep Samson's heraldry, choose the download that says it's included. There's no way to have Krem's heraldry remain because he shares armor with the Freemen of the Dales.

Please let me know in the comments if you find random instances of Kirkwall or Amell heraldry that I missed.

This will overwrite my other mods Samson No Kirkwall and Krem No Kirkwall - this won't cause problems in-game; just be aware that ModManager will give you a warning message about it if you have them installed. De-Kirkening contains all of the files that both of those mods modify, so it would be better to just remove them from your mods folder.