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About this mod

Adds weapons, armour, jewellery and crafting materials from Trespasser and Jaws of Hakkon to two shops in Redcliffe. DLC required. Use with Redcliffe Crafting Supply.

Permissions and credits
Redcliffe Supply - DLC edition

***WARNING*** If you install this mod without Jaws of Hakkon and Trespasser DLC your game will likely CTD when you travel to Redcliffe. They are required.

This mod is designed to be used with (but is not dependent upon) Redcliffe Crafting Supply which adds base game crafting materials to the weapons shop in Redcliffe.  I've taken over the rogue armour shop and the dwarven bookseller and stocked them with some Trespasser items, Jaws of Hakkon crafting materials, some rare herbs and various fade-touched materials that I couldn't fit into the other shop.  

Note: Many of these items are level restricted.  If you want a mod that removes level restrictions, I use and recommend Munchyfly's mod which you can get here.

If you're looking for schematics for the weapons and armour in the shop, you can get them from the DLC version of Schematic Spree.

This mod adds the following items to vendor stock:

Dwarven Bookseller

  • All trials weapons rewards.
  • All trials jewellery rewards.
  • Some jewellery items from Jaws of Hakkon.
  • Dragon Hunter armours.
  • Nexus armour - The Skin that Stalks (NOT schematic).

Rogue Armour shop

  • All jaws of Hakkon crafting materials incl. ice dragon and veil quartz.
  • All Tier 3 herbs and a couple of other rare ones.
  • Snoufleur skin - horn of valor.
  • Lurker - 75% faster movement speed whilst in stealth.
  • FT honeycomb - chance for bees.
  • Great bear - +50 to stamina on kill.
  • Everite - heal 25% of damage.
  • Everite - walking fortress
  • Bloodstone - 7.5% extra damage per enemy.
  • Volcanic aurum - 10% chance for unbowed.
  • Volcanic aurum - 10% focus per enemy.

There are three versions so make sure you download and install only ONE:

1.  Standard prices - self-explanatory really.  Both buying and selling all items will be at the regular price as specified by the game. Items cost 100% and you get paid 15% of the value for anything you sell.

2.  Discount prices - the merchant will give you 25% for everything you sell (instead of 15%) and charge you 25% for their items. This makes the cost of the Trespasser weapons and armour much more reasonable without it feeling like a cheat.

3.  Free/Zero prices - the merchant will give you 250% for everything you sell (instead of 15%) and charge you nothing for their items. This can be exploited for large amounts of gold. Too much can cause the game to glitch so be careful.

If you wish to use this as a convenience, rather than as a cheat mod, then I suggest using the standard or discount version and use the crafting materials as per the Black Emporium release schedule (tier 2 - level 8, tier 3 - level 12, tier 4 - level 16).

Important notes:

  • The items will not appear if you do not have the required DLC installed and may cause your game to crash when you travel to Redcliffe.
  • This mod will conflict with any other mod which alters the stock of the same shops in Redcliffe.  (But there is nothing to stop you merging this mod, buying what you want and then merging a different one.) NOT compatible with Discount Stores by jorrob96.
  • This mod is designed to be used with Redcliffe Crafting Supply but they can both be used separately.


Download DAI Mod Manager here.

Installation instructions are here.

Join the DAI Modding Discord if you need further help:


Please read these troubleshooting tips at DAI Modder Central before posting in the comments section if you have a problem.

My other mods

Immersive Starting Armors
Crossroads Crafting Supply
Redcliffe Crafting Supply
Schematic Spree
Rare Weapons
Opulent Tints
Irritating Dialogue Removal
Armour - No Class Restrictions Remade
Invisible Spiders
Tirnoney's Odds and Ends

Thanks to the developers at DAITools for making great modding tools and keeping up with Bioware's relentless stream of patches.

Thanks to tklivory for the great resource that is DAI Modder Central.