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File credits
Textures extracted from game resources, credit to Bioware/EA. Made using DA:I Modding Tools by Ehamloptiran and talented others. Many thanks!
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It's been ten years, Morrigan. Time for a wardrobe change. Also, it's really cold in the Frostback Mountains, even if you are a mage.
This is a lore-compliant retexture of Morrigan's default outfit (as worn around Skyhold and other areas), loosely based on concept art and other in game sources. REQUIRES PATCH 8, minimum. This will only conflict with any other mods that alter her body textures, but do not affect any face mods.
OPTIONAL FILE: (update 9/15) Added darker skin alternate version to be compatible with the Chasind Morrigan mod by sapph.
HOW TO INSTALL: Unzip the file into a folder of your mods. Use the DAI ModManager (as of June 12, 2015, use at least v0.53 Alpha to merge with Patch 8). Please see the forums for any technical issues using the tool.
Many thanks to the talented and hardworking team who put together the tools!