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Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
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File credits
Frosty Tool Suite Team - For creating the Frosty Editor I used to make this mod.
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Version 1.0
Initial Version.
Halla doors in the Winter Palace can be opened without enough (or any) statuettes. Basically, the game will always act as if you have enough statuettes in every way. In addition, court approval won't be drained while in restricted areas.
Note that I haven't tested this thoroughly, and it does modify functionality that is used in Alexius' chamber in Redcliffe, the Tevinter Labs chamber in the Western Approach, and the View Skull chamber in the Oasis. However, I ran through the quest once and tested that it wouldn't break things elsewhere, so it should be fine. Regardless, if there is an issue, please let me know.
Also uploaded the project file in case anyone wants it. Hopefully it can save someone the 8+ hours it took me to make and test this mod.