Dragon Age: Inquisition

File information

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Created by

Shaver Strasza

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About this mod

Enerlil Trevelyan is a human ranger by special request.
She has a rich background as outlined in the custom World State.
Uses higher British accent VO.
Screenies of the presets included in the images.

A *Digital Deluxe* game save.

Permissions and credits
There are 2 save files in this package:

+The 1st save (DAISAVEU001) is a clean save at the start of the game.

+The 2nd save (DAISAVEU002) is a cheat-enhanced save in Haven and she is now L-6.
-She has all her companions recruited except for Dorian and Cole (not been to Redcliffe yet).
-Abilities of Enerlil and her recruited companions have been maxed out in all fields.
-All perks have been granted.
-Inventory limit is increased to 1000.
-She has every available plan/recipe before Skyhold.
-She has enough crafting materials in her inventory to craft some decent gear and/or to sell for some nice cash.

Please read the readme file (for your own good) and enjoy.

Installation: Unzip the  .das  files into your  \My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save  folder.

Here's the World State as imported from The Keep:


Shaver Cousland
Female Human Noble Rogue - alive and well - Romanced Alistair

Fed Ostagar prisoner guard's lunch, got the key -- Cured, recruited Mabari

Persuaded Rev. Mother to free Stan and recruited him
Shaver recovered and returned Stan's sword Asala to him
Wynne joined Warden after they cleared the Circle Tower together
Wynne survived the Fifth Blight

Helped Redcliffe prepare and fight undead horde
Connor alive and dispossessed
Bella left to start her own brewery
Freed Bevin, returned sword
Helped Owen's daughter escape the castle
Isolde is alive
The urn of Sacred Ashes was not defiled

Mages supported, defeated Uldred
First Enchanter Irving survived battle
Did not agree to Cullen's request

Ser Landry alive and well
Bann Sighard pledged to support Warden at Landsmeet
Completed Slim Couldry's crime wave
Gave Alfstanna Irminric's ring
Returned amulet to beggar
Helped Alistair find his sister Goldanna
Brought scroll to Sister Justine
Helped clear customers out of Pearl
Handled the Crimson Oars
Completed Master Ignacio's assassinations
Leliana sent Marjoline away

Nature of the Beast: Shaver brokered peace
Brought Cammen and Gheyna together
Saved the halla
Didn't tell Athras about wife's true fate
Brought Varathorn Ironbark
Returned Deygan to Dalish camp

Defeated Branka
Sided with Harrowmont in Orzammar
Killed Ruck, said he died a hero
Helped Burkel create his chantry
Zelinda taken in by Burkel's chantry
Helped Orta join Assembly
Dagna left to study magic
Proved Legion of Dead connected to noble house
Returned stolen tome to Shaperate
Completed Rogek's lyrium deal

Leliana is alive and well
Recruited Zevran - alive and well
Recruited Oghren
Loghain executed by Warden
Acquiered Flemeth's grimoire peacefully
Morrigan had an old god baby with Alistair
Alistair killed Archdemon
Alistair became the King
Warden Shaver is Alistair's queen

Shaver killed the Architect
Keep and Amaranthine both protected
Nathaniel died
Oghren and Felsi reunited

Shaver and Morrigan went through the eluvian

Gained Power of Blood
Slayed Sophia and allowed Avernus ethical research

Shale recruited, alive and well
Killed Kitty, Matthias and Amelia both are well


Humorous rogue Shaver Hawke

Joined smugglers
Shaver convinced templars to leave
Killed Ginnis, returned Saemus to Viscount
Hid the truth about Ghyslain's wife's death
Didn't blackmail Ser Thrask about his daughter
Sent Feynriel to the Dalish
Defended Ketojan from the Qunari
Returned cargo to Martin
Kelder killed
Danzig killed
Solved mystery of missing miners
Idunna alive and well
Keran reinstated with templars
Karras alive and well

Gascard alive and well
Discovered looter of Hubert's caravans
Shaver saved Merin, let the evil brother Ivan die
Attacked the raiders without help of guardsmen
Feynriel freed, left for Tevinter
Didn't side with Varnell against Qunari
Didn't side with Petrice
Javaris alive and well
Shaver killed Arishok

Shaver offered to help Nuncio
Let Zevran go and he supported the Champion Shaver in the final battle
Nathaniel did not survive Deep Roads
Reunited Charade and Gamlen
Shaver sided with mages
Handed conspirators to Orsino
Allowed Emile to go free
Keran rejoined the templars under Cullen's supervision
Shaver killed the dragon at the Bone Pit

Shaver romanced Isabela (who else lol)
Bethany became a Circle mage and survived the final battle
Carver died in the Deep Roads
Recruited Isabela and became very very BFF
Isabela returned to Shaver with the Tome
Naturally, Shaver did not turn Isabela over to Arishok
Didn't approve Anders' actions at chantry and executed him
Aveline married Donnic and remained a true friend to Shaver
Recruited Sebastian
BFF with Varric
Varric did not kill Bertrand
Helped Varric discover the cause of haunting
Varric did not keep the red lyrium idol
Fenris alive and well
Merrill stayed with Shaver and finally destroyed the eluvian
Merrill's clan was not destroyed
Tallis and Shaver kissed and parted on amicable terms

Shaver sided with Larius
Found Malcolm's will