Dragon Age: Inquisition
Una 03 Turn over

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"But stands like a dead wall between church and synagogue, or like the blank leaves between the Old and New Testament."
Richard B. Sheridan, The Duenna, Opera, Act I, Scene 3, 1775 [his most remarkable passion for deceit and tricks of cunning].

Ryoshi — Strategy

"Each heir gets a share in the proportion to his own powers."
[Partes quisque suas ad mensuram inguinis heres.]
Juvenal, First Satire, line 41 [to choke on their blood-money].
"Tommy Linn is a Scotchman born, His head is bald and his beard is shorn;
He has a cap made of a hare skin, An alderman is Tommy Linn....
Tommy Linn had no watch to put on, So he scooped out a turnip to make himself one;
He caught a cricket, and put it within; It's my own ticker, says Tommy Linn."
The Distracted Sailor's Garland, Third Nursery Rhyme, 1765 [We are not enough, says Tommy Linn.]

"If turnips were watches I would wear one by my side. If wishes were butter-cakes beggars might bite."
Iona & Peter Opie, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, #534, 1951, p. 427. 

The fool predominates so much over the knave, that he will be a dupe of his own art & hurt by the recoil of his own piece.

RYLLZ — Nemesis

"If you are angry with me, pull off one of your shoes, and lay it in soak."
[Si tienes de mi enojo descalçate un zapato, y echalo en remojo.] 
Spanish proverb.

"Cast that bone to another dog," quoth the innkeeper, "as though I knew not how many numbers are five, and 
where the shoe wrests me now. I pray you, sir, go not about to give me pap, for by the Lord I am not so white. 
Is it not a good sport that you labour to persuade me."
[—¡A otro perro con ese hueso! —respondió el ventero—. ¡Como si yo no supiese cuántas son cinco y adónde 
me aprieta el zapato! No piense vuestra merced darme papilla, porque por Dios que no soy nada blanco. 
¡Bueno es que quiera darme vuestra merced a entender.]
Cervantes, Don Quijote de la Mancha, Part I, Chapter XXXII. The Innkeeper's Books [She knows a great deal.]

"The Duenna:— But remember, if we succeed, you resign all right and title in little Isaac, the Jew, over to me."
Richard B. Sheridan, The Duenna, Opera, Act I, Scene 3, 1775 [That I do with all my soul; get him if you can.]

Cassandra services Despair demon though Una stays unimpressed; they should prepare a Tevinter feast with elven spices.