Dragon Age: Inquisition
Ursia 04 But awl promise to do soa noa moor

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"A trade, sir, that, I hope, I may use with a safe conscience; which is, indeed, a mender of bad soles [souls]."
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene 1 [Second Commoner to Marullus].

Carry On Cleo [Julius Caesar] — Infamy 

Miss Notable: I vow, madam, I saw something in black; I thought it was a spirit.
Colonel Atwit: Why, miss, did you ever see a spirit?
Miss Notable: No, sir; I thank God I never saw any thing worse than myself.
Jonathan Swift, Polite Conversation in three dialogues, 1738.

Magical: Cassandra [spirit]; Solas [saboteur & spy]; Cole; Varric [runes]; Vivienne; Cullen [lyrium].
Steely: Iron Bull; Dorian [saboteur & spy]; Leliana; Sera; Josephine; Blackwall [no real Grey Warden].

"With winsome Hermióne once I played, Whose many-colored panties were arrayed 
With golden letters, "Always love me, do, But don’t fret if another holds me too."
Asclepiades of Samos, trans. G. L. Fain [Greek anthology, Volume I, Book V. Amatory Epigrams, 158.]

"Tranio, I burn, I pine, I perish, Tranio, If I achieve not this young modest girl." 
William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, Act I, Scene 1, l. 156-157 [Lucentio lusts for Bianca].

"An th' old wimmen sed, "Sithee! luk here! He's th' image exact ov his dad."
John Hartley, Lamentin' An Repentin', Clock Almanack.

Magic wielders & non-magic fighters were forever at war to capture a dragon pair.
Hostages prolonged shaky truce: Varric hosts dragon & Josephine, his mage rider. 

Joe Morello — Take 5 Drum Solo

"Exchange me for a goat."
William Shakespeare, Othello, Act III, Scene 3 [Othello to Iago].

"Aw think they must ha’ been savin thersen for a wick an’ come as hollow as a lot o’ drums."
John Hartley, Mally’s Kursmiss Party, Clock Almanack.

Ursia Quarta uniquely might receive either one for transfer & thus is Fen'Harel.
Her taking in of two fathers for her baby girl could expel Fen'Harel to elf Solas. 

"His wife to this priest then came. 
At first she named mere peccadilloes, 
Then came acts performed on pillows, 
Which are of a grander scale.
She recited in detail [gamut]:
"In my bed I have received,
If such a sin can be believed,
A gentleman, a knight, a priest...."
The list begun would have increased 
Except her husband broke in there."
Jean de La Fontaine, The Husband Who Heard Confession, in Tales in Verse, Book I, Chapter 4.

[« Sa femme vient à ses pieds se placer. 
De prime abord sont par la bonne dame 
Expédiés tous les pêchés menus; 
Puis à leur tour les gros étant venus,
Force lui fut qu'elle changeât de gamme.
Père, dit-elle, en mon lit sont reçus 
Un gentilhomme, un chevalier, un prêtre. 
Si le mari ne se fût fait connaître, 
Elle en allait enfiler beaucoup plus;
Courte n'était pour sûr la kyrielle. »]

Chris Lake & Lazy Rich feat. Jareth — Stand Alone

Female Taureador in Bull-Leaping Fresco, 1450 BC [Et tu, Brute?]

"Oh, wait for me! Wait for me! Wait for me! Argh! Who's this? Just call me... urn!"
Carry on Cleo, movie (1964), Director: Gerald Thomas [Where is Calpurnia?]