Dragon Age: Inquisition
Beatrix 15 Instigator of discord

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"Make haste, delay is ever fatal to those who are prepared."
[Tolle moras; semper nocuit differe paratis.]
Lucan, Pharsalia, Book I, line 281 [leap to a greater prize (cross the Rubicon): petio majore petuntur].

"They to bamboozle are inclined, Saith Merlin, who bamboozled are."
[Tel, comme dit Merlin, cuide engeigner autrui, Qui souvent s'engeigne soi-même.]
Jean de La Fontaine, Fables, Book IV, XI. The Frog and the Rat.

Sera, Solas & Iron Bull have accompanied Beatrix to Arbor Wilds.
Command spirit was still bound to Vengeance ousted from Cole.
Beatrix wishes to follow the Mythal rituals, for Command to stay.
She trusts Command to choose her lover immune to Vengeance.

"Banished, he quenched the doubt in Caesar, affirming that, to a man prepared, delay was always harmful."
[Questi, scacciato, il dubitar sommerse in Cesare, affermando che ’l fornito sempre con danno l’attender sofferse.]
Dante, The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto XXVIII, l. 97-99 [audax venali... Curio lingua].