Dragon Age: Inquisition
Election for Villian in Dragon Age 4 and wishes

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  1. IAmDarkPhoenix
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    Ok, so DAI was my first and I still love it. I finally played DAO and I see why so many people like it so much. That being said, I would hope for the following with DA4:
    I think one request that everyone wants is more/better hair options. LOL!  I swear every time I see a post on wishlists for DA4, I always see that one. And if they don't know whereto get some, hire some of the people modding on Nexusmods. 
    - More spells like in DAO. I liked how there were so many options! The combinations were amazing! Spells like Inferno and combinations like Sotrm of the Century are awesome! Combo spells with unique vfxs would be everything! I liked the fact I could make Morrigan a Shape-shifting/Blood Mage, or Wynne a Spirit Healer/Keeper and not just nailed down to 1 specific specialization (Vivienne being a Knight Enchanter, Dorian being a Necromancer, etc)
    - More/Better Romance options. AND please don't make the hottest guy in the game straight only. This has happened with Alistair, them again with Sebastian, and finally Cullen. I know some people are str8 and some are gay, but it is someone's fantasy and I think it should reflect as much. This goes both ways as well (no pun intended). I know i know this seems like a push, but it would be nice to not have to use mods for choosing the companion love interest I want being the gender I want. 
    - Don't shy away from the nudity. The game is for mature audiences. I don't think they should have to worry about blurring out/covering up body parts. Or at least give an option that will allow adult content, PG, or G, or Disney G-rated etc... 
    - Massive Open World like DAI. I LOVE love love how big it was! DAI has such a massive feel to it. I can't tell you how many times I got lost in the Forbidden Oasis. It would piss me off actrually, but that was SO awesome. And include the maps we've already seen/been on. Granted the game will (more than likely) take place in Tevinter, but allow us to go back to the Hinterlands, Storm Coast, The Hissing Wastelands, Kirkwall, Denerim, etc. heck, even if there's nothing special on them.
    - Even More Armor customization. DAI was a major step up in that area, but when you got to look at it, you pretty much only had about 5 different outfits for your inquisitor (3 or 4 variations for each companion). I love the RLS Bazaar mod because there are SO many options. Heck, even the ones that are the same have such variation and variety that I literally have to play more games to try more that I like. 
    -VR compatibility. This scares me a little bit considering how into the game a lot of us are even without VR, but if DA4 is VR compatible, I think it would just enhance the experience all the more. 
    - More Tactics control. The AI in DAI was so stupid sometimes! I want more control where I can set up "routines". In other words, I loves using Pull of the Abyss with Solas. If he could immediately cast a fire mine in the center anytime he casts PotA  (provided he as enough mana, of course), I would have loved to make that happen. 
    ... ok and I'll stop there. For now.
  2. LeoXaladin
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    My wishlist for DA4:

    Friendship/Rivalry System from DA2

    Choosing animal companions (f.e. Dog, Cat, Nug, Wolf, Baby Dragon, ...)

    Romancing Lace Harding

    Hero of Ferelden and Hawke(if one or both still lives) as companions or you can control them in their own DLC(accompanied by their love interests...honeymoon DLC)

    Better looking armours and clothing( most of the vanilla are horrible) and more hairstyles

    Many more screentime for Alistair and Anora, Bethany/Carver, Nathaniel, Velanna, Sigrun, Leliana, Josephine, Cullen, Zevran, Sten, Iron Bull(if he lives), Fenris, Isabela, Merrill, Varric, Bianca, Dorian, Sera, Cole, Lace Harding, Morrigan

    Riding, swimming and flying

    Import your Inquisitor (PLEASE)

    Visiting Ferelden, Free Marches, Orlais, Rivain, Seheron, Tevinter etc.
    1. Qessanea
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Yes, SWIMMING!!! How is it that we can't swim?! If the bloody dragonborn can swim, then the Inquisitor should be able to!!
  3. Qessanea
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    I wanna go to Rivain.

    I wanna romance Varric.

    I want to be able to choose to side with Solas somehow (if at all feasible), rather than work against him.

    I did think it would be great if Anders could return, but like Tiane said, anything that too obviously violates previous choices seems unlikely. I remember once upon a time thinking Morrigan's god baby would play some massive part in future installments, but (a) not everyone made that choice and (b) it appears that he was only absorbed into Solas (if that's what happened), so that was always a bit of a disappointment.

    I want there to be a LOT of choice in regards to personalising my character. Example: one irritating thing about Inquisition was that I wished I could be a non-Dalish elf. I think it would be great if we could choose to be from Tevinter
    1. Tiane
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      You've hit a major nail there, Qess, one that I would have loved to see materialized in DAI: being at the service of Solas instead of working against him. It would have been great to see him trying to turn an elven Inquisitor to his side, and joining his cause leaving with him. Much more so an EF in romance with him. Alas, that seemed impossible as it seems from the epilogue that it is in fact the Inquisition (or what remains of it) who will be in charge of at least organizing the resistance to Solas' plans.
      But heck - that would have been really awesome
  4. Tiane
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    That's an excellent selection of wishes!
    Personally I think only characters with more "rigid" previous storylines can play key roles in future installments (Alistair, the Hawke twins, Anders don't qualify as their fate is dependent of the player's choices, hence why cameos like Alistair's are so small and marginal). But I totally share the wish of seeing Oghren again, who gave me good laughs back in DAO and DAA! I'd also love to see Nathaniel Howe, and I refuse to lose track on the lives of Varric, Cole and Sera. I don't include Dorian there as I'm positive he'll play a major role.
    Great exercise of imagination and fantastic picture to illustrate it, thank you for this!
    1. DarKGameR177
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
  5. sailtheplains
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    lol maybe Trump can nominate Solas for Head of Elf Rights and Prosperity. You know, before he murders them. hahahahah

    I want Minaeve and Cullen and Grim to be playable characters

    I want to know if any of my crazy theories have any substance. I have so many. SO MANY.

    And also, whats the deal with Sera? The things she writes in her journals sometimes....they're very....odd. Was she once a spirit? Were ALL elves once spirits? Was Solas once a spirit?

    Is Arlathan the Black City? Are Mythal and Andraste the same person? COME ON DA4.