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Bidelle's Cosmetics 2 adds new makeup (complexion slider) options for Dragon Age II! A sequel to the popular DA:O mod, Bidelle's Cosmetics.
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Bidelle's Cosmetics 2 adds new makeup (complexion slider) options for Dragon Age II! A sequel to the popular DA:O mod, Bidelle's Cosmetics.
Adds new hairstyles to Character Creation and Black Emporium. For male & female.
An improved version of Aveline, making her less scary and a little more aesthetically pleasing in the face. Comes with two options for hairstyles and 2 eye colors.
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An improved version of Aveline, making her less scary and a little more aesthetically pleasing in the face. Comes with two options for hairstyles and 2 eye colors.
Unique Face Textures for Companions
HR skin and eye textures for the vanilla companions.
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Unique Face Textures for Companions
HR skin and eye textures for the vanilla companions.
Various female skins. Mostly lip gloss textures.
Changes hawke\'s preset to what ever you like.
DsC - DA2 - Fenris Aveline Isabella Anders Sebastian
New faces for Anders, Isabella, Fenris, Aveline and Sebastian to choose from.
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DsC - DA2 - Fenris Aveline Isabella Anders Sebastian
New faces for Anders, Isabella, Fenris, Aveline and Sebastian to choose from.
Sexy, Fair Skinned Isabela. Customize her to your liking with 12 new faces and 4 new body variants to choose from! ***UPDATED v2***
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Sexy, Fair Skinned Isabela. Customize her to your liking with 12 new faces and 4 new body variants to choose from! ***UPDATED v2***
An Orana that embodies the innocence of her character, instead of looking like a teenage prostitute reject from The Rose.
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An Orana that embodies the innocence of her character, instead of looking like a teenage prostitute reject from The Rose.
32 alternative skin models with 8 different lipstick shades and 3 intensity eye makeups. They can be used in the character generator or any time in the Black Emporium. NEW FILE with a male and female presets with alternative settings.
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32 alternative skin models with 8 different lipstick shades and 3 intensity eye makeups. They can be used in the character generator or any time in the Black Emporium. NEW FILE with a male and female presets with alternative settings.
Tattoos for Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2. V03 contains NEW models and improved versions of the old ones for DA2 and NEW DA Origins.
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Tattoos for Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2. V03 contains NEW models and improved versions of the old ones for DA2 and NEW DA Origins.
a combined and edited pack to make DA2 more HD like the Game deserve
A blonde Merrill that retains the innocence/naivety of her character. (*now with several new versions and age progression options)
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A blonde Merrill that retains the innocence/naivety of her character. (*now with several new versions and age progression options)
Zimpra's Female Presets for CC
New female CC preset heads for those dissatisfied with the vanilla ones.
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Zimpra's Female Presets for CC
New female CC preset heads for those dissatisfied with the vanilla ones.
Adds 2 armors and a staff and Anders face morph. Can be used as replacers for Anders armors or as Standalone version.
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Adds 2 armors and a staff and Anders face morph. Can be used as replacers for Anders armors or as Standalone version.
A slightly change of Alistair\'s appearance?
A more handsome looking Carver.
A more attractive Aveline that still captures her no frills, tom boyishness. **UPDATE Act 2 & 3 ageing morphs***
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A more attractive Aveline that still captures her no frills, tom boyishness. **UPDATE Act 2 & 3 ageing morphs***
Replaces Fenris armor, tattoos and glow by 2 brand new armors, new tattoos and new lyrium glow.
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Replaces Fenris armor, tattoos and glow by 2 brand new armors, new tattoos and new lyrium glow.