About this mod
Replaces the dead spider husks at the base of the Legacy DLC tower with genlock shields
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
IMPORTANT > This mod does not touch the files for the nearby spider enemies, for that you will need a different mod. I recommend varricsretellings' No Spiders and Spider Webs, as the creator went above on beyond when making it. Also this mod does not affect the shadows cast by the husks as sadly I do not know how to change those.
INSTALLATION > unzip and place in your BioWare\Dragon Age 2\packages\core\override folder.
To uninstall just delete the file, there shouldn't be any issues.
I admittedly didn't take a close look at all the shields, so they probably all look wonky sorry. Please tell me if you run into problems.
Special thanks to sapphim for their advice and modding guides, and to my wonderful sister for doing the actual testing for me so I wouldn't wouldn't have to look at the husks myself.