Dragon Age 2
Molly 08 Triple strike

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"It was pigeon pie they set before him. Everyone else was served the same, and he couldn’t see that anything was wrong."
George R. R. Martin, A Clash of Kings, A Song of Ice and Fire II, Bran, 1998.


"Presumption of impunity by force is a root from whence springeth, at all times, and upon all temptations, 
a contempt of all laws; whereas in the latter case the apprehension of danger that makes a man fly renders 
him more obedient for the future."
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, Part II Of Common-Wealth, Chapter 27 Of Crimes, Excuses, and Extenuations, 1651.

"No kinsman of his sin. Let him find you so true to yourself that you are the irreconcilable hater of his vice 
and the imperturbable slighter of his trifling."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, On Education, 1882 [Trespass not on his solitude.]

Bethany & Molly again overmatch Malcolm Anger demon. Prostitute Anders & his cat Glyph return to isolation cell.

"The wall is high, and yet will I leap down: Good ground, be pitiful and hurt me not!
There's few or none do know me: if they did, This ship-boy's semblance hath disguised me quite.
I am afraid; and yet I'll venture it. If I get down, and do not break my limbs,
I'll find a thousand shifts to get away: As good to die and go, as die and stay. [Leaps down.]
O me! my uncle's spirit is in these stones: Heaven take my soul, and England keep my bones! [Dies.]"
William Shakespeare, King John, Act IV, Scene 3 Before the castle [prince Arthur on the walls].

Isabela figures pregnancy by Fenris makes his heir Tevinter sovereign: thus true vengeance, only if Danarius dies.

"All punishments of innocent subjects, be they great or little, are against the law of nature: for punishment is only 
for transgression of the law, and therefore there can be no punishment of the innocent. It is therefore a violation, 
first, of that law of nature which forbiddeth all men, in their revenges, to look at anything but some future good: 
for there can arrive no good to the Commonwealth by punishing the innocent. Secondly, of that which forbiddeth 
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, Part II Of Common-Wealth, Chapter 28 Of Punishments and Rewards, 1651.

Molly understands Sundermount elves sit on top a lyrium mountain whence they should challenge qunari tyranny.