Dragon Age 2
Barbara 18 Slow outstrips the Swift

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"Avoid ill-gotten gain. Ill-gotten gain spells devastation."
Hesiod, Works and Days, line 352.

Barbara caught Fenris' Envy demon, vulnerable trying the leap from serial killer Anders to mage rapist Sir Alrik.

Ava Max — Sweet but Psycho

She held on Arulin'Holm; wounds to Merrill's Pride cause the demon to seize Marethari. Envy possesses Merrill.

"It is by skill that the sea captain holds his rapid ship on its course, though torn by winds, over the wine-blue water.
By skill charioteer outpasses charioteer.... Yourself, in the strong-fabricated chariot, lean over a little to the left of
the course, and as for your right horse, whip him and urge him along, slackening your hands to give him his full rein,
but make your left-hand horse keep hard against the turning-post so that the hub’s edge of your fashioned wheel will
seem to be touching it, yet take care not really to brush against it, for, if so, you might damage your horses and break
your chariot, and that will be a thing of joy for the others, and a failure for you. So, dear son, drive thoughtfully and
be watchful. For if you follow the others but get first by the turning-post, there is none who could sprint to make it up,
nor close you, nor pass you."
Homer, The Iliad, Book 23, lines 315 ss. [Nestor exposes each step in the racing contest to his son.]

"Peace-loving Cyllenian Mercury had given him the white flower, the gods call moly, that springs from a black root.
With this, and divine warnings, he entered Circe’s house in safety."
[Pacifer huic dederat florem Cyllenius album: moly vocant superi, nigra radice tenetur; tutus eo monitisque simul
caelestibus intrat ille domum Circes.]
Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book XIV, lines 291-294.

Barbara convinced Varric to spare Bartrand; this dwarf enriched red lyrium & thus bolsters her magical resistance.

EVO+ — [A]ddiction

Barbara's hand first touched Fenris' lyrium & caresses of lovely Isabela made her imbibe a deep qunari animosity.

"And I will tell you all the malevolent guiles of Circe. She will make you a potion, and put drugs in the food, but she
will not even so be able to enchant you, for this good medicine which I give you now will prevent her. I will tell you
the details of what to do. As soon as Circe with her long wand strikes you, then drawing from beside your thigh your
sharp sword, rush forward against Circe, as if you were raging to kill her, and she will be afraid, and invite you to go
to bed with her. Do not then resist and refuse the bed of the goddess, for so she will set free your companions, and care
for you also; but bid her swear the great oath of the blessed gods, that she has no other evil hurt that she is devising
against you, so she will not make you weak and unmanned, once you are naked." So spoke Argeïphontes, and he gave
me the medicine, which he picked out of the ground, and he explained the nature of it to me. It was black at the root, but
with a milky flower. The gods call it moly. It is hard for mortal men to dig up, but the gods have power to do all things."
Homer, The Odyssey, Book X, lines 289-306 [Hermes].

"Moly was demonstrated as the perfect antidote to any magical poisoning."
[Contra haec omnia magicasque artes erit primum illud Homericum moly.]
Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Book XXV, Chapter 79, #127.

"Remedy so called moly: it is a shrub putting forth many roots from its single one... and bearing a white flower."
[Quam cives moly appellant. Frutex est ex una radice, multas radicens habens.... florem album habens.]
Dioscurides Langobardus, Materia Medica, Book III [Immunity to rape though Fenris & Merrill bridge perversions].

Petrice staying safe, an immediate qunari war brings no profit: duel builds reputation, fits Isabela & Envy demon.

Redfoo — New Thang

"O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful wonderful, and yet again wonderful, and after that, out of all whooping!"
William Shakespeare, As you like it, Act III, Scene 2 [Celia].

Barbara purports Envy demon going to Aveline for a final extraction of her mabari's Formari magical personality.