Dragon Age 2
Barbara 12 Appreciated

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"Appreciate by observing those around a prince; and when they are capable and faithful he may always be considered wise."
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XXII. Concerning the Secretaries of Princes, 1532.

Friends: Bethany; Isabela; Sebastian; Varric
Rivals: Anders; Aveline; Fenris; Merrill

E.S. Posthumus — Menouthis

Barbara: It's not my place to take sides in this.

"They cost mee gaining by them as Dickins did with his Dishes who bying five for twopence solde six for a peny,
my cattail thus beeing consumed, and many other attempts enterprised by mee, turned topsie turvie, mine olde
accustomed and raging fits began to set foot within my minde I to imagin that Sathans whelps were now setting
a broch the vessel of their despite to seeke my utter spoyle and confusion."
Richard Galis, A brief treatise containing the most strange and horrible cruelty of Elizabeth Stile, 1579, quoted
in Marion Gibson, Early Modern Witches: Witchcraft Cases in Contemporary Writing, Routledge, 2000, p. 61.

Galis: a guy who is said to have more than one girls at one time.

Neffex — Numb

"There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can
understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good,
and the third kind useless."
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XXII. Concerning the Secretaries of Princes, 1532.

"Plain dealing is a jewel (though they that use it commonly die beggars)."
Brian Melbancke, Philotimus, The warre betwixt nature and fortune, 1583.

"Sancho Panza:— You can lose as much for a card too many as for a card too few, and a word to the wise is sufficient."
Cervantes, Don Quixote, Part II, Chapter XXXVII. The famous adventure of the Dolorous Duenna continues, 1615.

Isabela can steal & place bomb; blindsided Varric may deliver a customary ale drink to Anders before his execution.

Infinity War [Kaleo] — Way down we go

"We must act, move, fight and, if necessary, die. Neutrals have never dominated events. They always sink.
It is blood alone which moves the wheels of history! (Frantic bursts of applause.)"
[Bisogna agire muoversi combattere e se occorre morire. I neutrali non hanno mai dominato gli avvenimenti.
Li hanno sempre subiti. È il sangue che dà il movimento alla ruota sonante della storia! (Ovazione frenetica).]
Benito Mussolini, Speech in Parma, December 13, 1914.

Barbara must emasculate Fenris; between Alistair & Bethany, this eunuch led to a glorified life shall finish the elves.