Dragon Age 2
Barbara 06 Invitation

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"Love still breathes and the passions of Sappho, committed to the lyre’s strings, live on today."
[Spirat adhuc amor vivuntque conmissi calores Aeoliae fidibus puellae.]
Horace, Carmina, Book IV, Carmen IX.

Keiichi Okabe — Voice of no Return

Friends: Bethany; Isabela; Varric.
Rivals: Anders; Aveline.

Polyushka Polye

"Ladies even of the most uneasy virtue Prefer a spouse whose age is short of thirty."
Lord Byron, Don Juan, Canto I, Stanza 62, 1819.

"As I was going down Crabourne Lane, Crabourne Lane was dirty, And there I met a pretty maid
Who dropt me a curtsey. I gave her cakes, I gave her wine, I gave her sugar-candy;
But oh! the little naughty girl, she asked me for some brandy."
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (née Godwin), Letter to Maria Gisborne, March 7, 1822 ["Nursery Rhyme".]

"And then that woman like a guinea-pig Accosted, that’s the word, accosted him, Thereon the amorous calor
slightly frosted him. (I burn, I freeze, I sweat, said the fair Greek, I speak in contradictions, so to speak.)"
Ezra Pound, Pavannes and Divisions, 1918 [The invitation had no need of fine aesthetic.]