Dragon Age 2
Arlen 35 Better carrieth it

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"Good is good, but better carrieth it."
Henry G. Bohn, Handbook of proverbs, 1855, p. 364.

BTS feat. Nicki Minaj — IDOL

"It is so much easier not to believe in an invisible man; and those who had actually seen him dissolve into air, or
felt the strength of his arm, could be counted on the fingers of two hands. Great and strange ideas transcending
experience often have less effect upon men and women than smaller, more tangible considerations. Iping was
gay with bunting, and everybody was in gala dress."
H. G. Wells, The Invisible Man, Chapter X Mr. Marvel's visit to Iping, 1897.

Arlen reaps Grey Warden qualities that Sandal in Deep Roads ripped out of Anders, made defenceless against demons.

Intro to twice — sexy edition

Isabela: It... It isn't anything dirty. I'm just... happy."

"Bliss—happiness bileing over and running down both sides ov the pot."
Josh Billings (Henry W. Shaw), Comical Lexicon and Other Amusing Skits, 1877.

"There were also homosexual women at the Pines, but they were, or seemed to be, far fewer in number.
Nor, except for a marked tendency to hang out in the company of large and ferocious dogs, were they instantly
recognizable as the men were." Well, if I were a dyke and a pair of Podhoretzes came waddling toward me
on the beach, copies of Leviticus and Freud in hand, I'd get in touch with the nearest Alsatian dealer pronto."
Gore Vidal, Pink Triangle and Yellow Star, in Sexually Speaking, Cleis Press, 1999, p. 119.

Isabela loved Zevran, wished him to make a son & sent out message that her blooming virgin lover was really willing.