Dragon Age 2
Arlen 11 Chuck-a-luck

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"And yonder a vile physician, blabbing The case of his patient—all for what? To tickle the maggot born in an empty head."
Alfred Lord Tennyson, Maud: A Melodrama, Part II, 1855.

Friends: Anders, Bethany; Fenris; Isabela; Varric.
Rival: Aveline.

Rihanna — Bitch Better Have My Money

"You wish us to keep this matter dark and to make a garrison of the stern part of the ship, manned with my
friend’s own people, and provided with all the arms and powder on board. In other words, you fear a mutiny."
Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island, Chapter 9 Powder and Arms, 1883 [Dr. Livesey].

"In all such cases, the mere wording, as it can be written down, is not the complete expression of the thought.
—but one further needs, for its correct apprehension, the knowledge of certain circunstances accompanying
the utterance, which are used as means of expressing the thought. Fingerpointings, gestures and glances may
belong here too."
Gotlob Frege, The Thought: A Logical Inquiry, 1918 [Mind, New Series, Vol. 65, No. 259. (Jul., 1956), p. 296].

"Look, from now on, keep one eye on that candle, another eye on that one, and with the other eye watch me!"
Hold That Ghost, movie 1941, Director: Arthur Lubin [Ferdie].

Seulgi [Maroon5] — My lucky strike

"An Indian who had been driven out of a fertile valley by a White Settler, said:
"Now that you have robbed me of my land, there is nothing for me to do but issue invitations to a war-dance."
"I don't so much mind your dancing," said the White Settler, putting a fresh cartridge into his rifle, "but if you attempt to
make me dance you will become a good Indian lamented by all who didn't know you. How did you get this land, anyhow?"
The Indian's claim was compromised for a plug hat and a tin horn."
Ambrose Bierce, The Wolf and the Lion, in Old Saws With New Teeth, 1899.