Dragon Age 2
Sofia 10 Trashed

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"Which thing to do, If this poor trash of Venice, whom I trace For his quick hunting, stand the putting [quarrel] on."
William Shakespeare, Othello, Act II, Scene 1, l. 227-229 [Iago].

"Above this lower roome shall be your huntsmans lodging, wherin hee shall also keep his cooples, liam, collars, trashes, boxes."
Gervase Markham, Countrey Contentments, 1615, p. 15.

"A hound that runs too fast for the rest ought not to be kept. Some hunstmen load them with heavy collars ;
Some tie a long strap round their necks. A better way would be to part with them."
Peter Beckford, Thoughts on Hunting, Letter X [trash, a long strap drags on the ground, handicaps overtopper.]

Stella And The Storm — Nothing Personal

Sofia: It turned out well enough.

"Foul love cast him in disarray; Feigning to eat of tarts, his skill 
O’er came his sister till she lay Dishonoured, which was incest, aye,
Most foul.
Next of myself—most bitter pill—I, thrashed as washerwomen bray 
Their clothes, in nature’s deshabille Stood nakedly—and wherefore, pray? 
Ask Katherine of Vaucelles, malgre Noe had most part of the fun. 
Such wedding gloves no loves repay; Happy is he not so undone."
François Villon, Double Ballade of Good Counsel, trans. H. DeVere Stacpoole.

[« Feignant de manger tartelettes, 
Sa soeur Thamar et déflourer, 
Qui fut chose mout déshonnêtes ; 
Hérode, pas ne sont sornettes, 
Saint Jean-Baptiste en décola 
Pour danses, sauts et chansonnettes. 
Bien heureux est qui rien n'y a !
De moi, pauvre, je veuil parler :
J'en fus battu comme à ru teles, 
Tout nu, ja ne le quiers celer. 
Qui me fit mâcher ces groselles, 
Fors Catherine de Vaucelles ? 
Noël, le tiers, ait, qui fut la, 
Mitaines à ces noces telles ! 
Bien heureux est qui rien n'y a ! »]
François Villon, Double Ballade.

If Sundermount Dalish elf acts like a clown, Fenris might disgust Isabela enough for a jealous turn with Sebastian.