Dragon Age 2
Erika 13 Hazards of shipwreck

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"Always have in head and heart to keep avoiding abstruse words, as a sailor would rocky hazards of shipwreck."
[Habe semper in memoria atque in pectore ut tamquam scopulum sic fugias inauditum atque insolens verbum.]
Julius Caesar, De Analogia, Fragment in Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, Book I, Chapter 10:4.

The Arishok: We shall return.

Shawn Mendes — Stitches

"No doubt they would save her; the doctors would discover some remedy surely." 
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary, Part III, Chapter X, trans E. Marx-Aveling, 1856. 

Erika promised the relic to Isabela, whose contagion & Dantzig reach Fenris' sister in Tevinter.
Would Isabela return with a remedy? Meanwhile Feynriel watches benevolently his Fade ward.

"Which of our sins more deserves the gallows, when Nature goads me fiercely."
Horace, Satires, Book II, Satire VII: Unstable characters suffer more, lines 47-8.

Compassion passed through Orsino & Bethany's eratomania may thrive on forgetful templars. 
Command builds elven saviour; Erika enjoys stupendous benefits riding atop dwarf immunity.

"Besides that, it procured him a continual drought and desire to drink, so that after some few years he died 
of the death Roland, in plain English called thirst, a work of divine vengeance, showing us that which saith 
the philosopher and Aulus Gellius."
Francois Rabelais, The Second Book: Pantagruel, Chapter 6 [Pantagruel garroted the Limousin Scholar.]

Dalish & Qunari people have been sterilized by the demon Merrill summoned at Sundermount.
Erika takes responsability for dragon mating strictures perhaps composed the magical barrier.