Dragon Age 2
Mor 12 Death on a stick

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"Five human lifetimes lives the cawing crow."
Aristophanes, The Birds (414 BC), line 609.

Dorothy — Woman

"The two contraries are antagonistic, at perpetual war with each other. It is a war of mutual aggression —each seeking to invade the province of the other. But this very invasion involves a mixing of the two elements—a reconciliation, or marriage, in which both combine to produce a compound, the individual thing. Earth and Heaven are essentially the female and male principles in Greek cosmology. In the gap between their sundered forms appears the winged figure of the cosmic Eros, whose function is to reunite them. In the more primitive cosmogonies, which make the world begin with the hatching of an egg, whose two halves form Sky and Earth, Eros is the bird with golden feathers who comes out of the egg.
F. M. Cornford, From Religion to Philosophy (1912), Chapter 2 The origin of Moira, Section 37. Eros and the Marriage of Opposites, Harper, 1957, p. 70.

Mor could foretell Bird Brained Sebastian Vael will suffer the Way to Die #378.
Aveline tested sterile. Merrill channels Magister's Tevinter lyrium in Marethari.
Bethany works to even Grey Warden debt & stops after Anders asks for death.

Cold Kingdom — Crash Poet

"Application of a cabbage leaf is sufficient for the bite of a mad dog."
Epicharmus, Fragments 61 & 62.

Two bizarre deaths on Black Weekend [Belgian Grand Prix 1960]

"Pisthetaerus: You will point them to the richest mines, you will reveal the paying ventures to the diviner, and not another shipwreck will happen or sailor perish.
Epops: No more shall perish? How is that?
Pisthetaerus: When the auguries are examined before starting on a voyage, some bird will not fail to say, "Don't start! there will be a storm," or else, "Go! you will make a most profitable venture."
Euelpides: I shall buy a trading-vessel and go to sea. I will not stay with you.
Pisthetaerus: You will discover treasures to them, which were buried in former times, for you know them. Do not all men say, "None knows where my treasure lies, unless perchance it be some bird."
Euelpides: I shall sell my boat and buy a spade to unearth the vessels.
Leader of the Chorus: And how are we to give them health, which belongs to the gods?
Pisthetaerus: If they are happy, is not that the chief thing towards health? The miserable man is never well."
Aristophanes, The Birds, lines 595-605.

Valerie Broussard [Lucifer, S2E17] — Cruel Intentions

"The moon is a knife that is peeling the skin of fate."
Kobo Abe, The Man Who Turned Into a Stick, 1967.

Mor's close Aveline support dissipates Isabela's disquiet about their slaughter of qunari.
Anders, Petrice & Sebastian are intent on theft of chantry vessels & murdering Elthina.
Anders' bomb does their trick if templars have sh*tted enough lyrium in chantry toilets.