Dragon Age 2
Rissa 31 My bounty is as boundless as the sea

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“38. Birds — Everything that cries in the night is wonderful. 
With the exception, of course, of babies.”
Sei Shonagon, The Pillow Book, List of things.

Isabela to Merrill: “Oh, I could give you a list, but that might just bore you.”

Lady Gaga — Venus:

“The gunnadu were necrogenes. Thus they belonged to a category of animal which could give birth only through its own death. Luterin’s mother had said bitterly to him once, “Not unlike humanity.”
Gunnadu were without wombs; the sperm developed into grubs inside the stomach, where they fed, working outwards until reaching an artery. From there they exploded throughout the maternal body, causing rapid death. The grubs pupated through several stages, feeding on the carrion, until of a size to survive in the outside world as small gunnadu.”
Brian W. Aldiss, Helliconia Winter, Chapter VII The yellow-striped fly, 1985.

Halie Loren — Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps:

Sundermout demons of Desire, Sloth & Pride were an insect templar lyrium breeds.
Isabela becomes the perfect host once Marethari, Elthina & Meredith are devoured.

Peggy Lee — I’m Confessin’

Isabela has never harmed own mother & entertains firm intent never to bear child.
If gotten through Sloth, her ship empowers Pride & fulfills Fade promise by Desire.

“But these [are fallacies ] that fatuous [error has commended ] to fools who cling to [their doctrine with topsy-turvy reasoning. Since the universe is] infinite, there can be no center; and, even if [there were a center], there is no reason why anything at all should settle there [rather] than on the contrary [be repelled] far from it. For all room and space — void [as we term] it whether at the center or away from the center, [must] always be nonresistant to heavy bodies, no matter where their movements carry them. Moreover, bodies do not have access to any place where they can lose the pull of their weight and come to rest in the void; and again void, so far from being able to support anything, by virtue of its own nature must give way at once. Therefore this hypothesis that things maintain their cohesion through submission to a passion for the center is impossible.”
Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, Book I, lines 1069-1084.