- Refine results Found 76 results. 3535 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
*** NOW - With Auto Loot Everything near me Skill *** A \"Simple\" Auto Loot Mod - If you have enough inventory space all items will be added without opening the loot gui.
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*** NOW - With Auto Loot Everything near me Skill *** A \"Simple\" Auto Loot Mod - If you have enough inventory space all items will be added without opening the loot gui.
Dragon Age Class and Specialization Pack
This adds several new Specializations and/or Classes to the game.
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Dragon Age Class and Specialization Pack
This adds several new Specializations and/or Classes to the game.
The objective of this mod is to smooth the talent progression curve, make obscure talents worthwhile, remove some combat annoyance, while maintaining overall balance, without straying too far from vanilla gameplay.
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The objective of this mod is to smooth the talent progression curve, make obscure talents worthwhile, remove some combat annoyance, while maintaining overall balance, without straying too far from vanilla gameplay.
Fully customize your party equipement through a new craftskill allowing you to imbue your items with any magical property you desire, and through new skills allowing all kind of items modification : name, material, model, icon, visual effect, itemset... Fully customizable via an in-game configuration menu : Whether TWF is balanced or not is your ch
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Fully customize your party equipement through a new craftskill allowing you to imbue your items with any magical property you desire, and through new skills allowing all kind of items modification : name, material, model, icon, visual effect, itemset... Fully customizable via an in-game configuration menu : Whether TWF is balanced or not is your ch
This mod changes several personal aura visual effects to have a very short duration.
Adds new spells to the Mage class that can magically open locks.
Arcane Warrior Weapon Drawn Casting
Allows spells to be cast with drawn weapons.
Extends the game\'s Core Resources with Awakening\'s resources.
Save time dealing with the unwanted items without traveling to town or camp. And now with v2, you can also enhance (super-power) items in bulk.
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Save time dealing with the unwanted items without traveling to town or camp. And now with v2, you can also enhance (super-power) items in bulk.
Expanded Shapeshifting - Learned Forms
This adds additional shapeshifting forms that are learned by killing specific enemy types.
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Expanded Shapeshifting - Learned Forms
This adds additional shapeshifting forms that are learned by killing specific enemy types.
Provides mages access to a new spell school: Divine. This school grants new spells in the form of healing, buffs, support and damage vs evil.
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Provides mages access to a new spell school: Divine. This school grants new spells in the form of healing, buffs, support and damage vs evil.
This is a mass Mod Merger of a number of ability-adding and conversion-related Mods.
A search for a cure to the eventual death sentence that comes as a result of the Joining leads the Grey Warden beyond the Uncharted territories to the Confederacy of Malkuth. Trailer:
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A search for a cure to the eventual death sentence that comes as a result of the Joining leads the Grey Warden beyond the Uncharted territories to the Confederacy of Malkuth. Trailer:
Baldurs Gate II Redux - Module 1 Irenicus Dungeon
Recreating the Baldur\'s Gate II experience in Dragon Age.
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Baldurs Gate II Redux - Module 1 Irenicus Dungeon
Recreating the Baldur\'s Gate II experience in Dragon Age.
Adds eight new abilities to the Arcane Warriors arsenal based around fighting with a one-handed sword and a ball of energy. A new version is now available that allows you to use your own weapon or shield in the off-hand instead of the orbs. Recently re-balanced, please let me know if you have any problems. Created by request of EthrenDiak
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Adds eight new abilities to the Arcane Warriors arsenal based around fighting with a one-handed sword and a ball of energy. A new version is now available that allows you to use your own weapon or shield in the off-hand instead of the orbs. Recently re-balanced, please let me know if you have any problems. Created by request of EthrenDiak
This adds six new Primal spell lines, each of which combine two out of the four default elements.
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This adds six new Primal spell lines, each of which combine two out of the four default elements.
The Bloodworks is an addition to the single player campaign including two quest lines separated by a choice, new companions, new abilities, new areas and new textures. Fully voice acted for every line and has a Bonus Survival game at the end of the mod where great rewards can be earned if your Warden is up to the task.
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The Bloodworks is an addition to the single player campaign including two quest lines separated by a choice, new companions, new abilities, new areas and new textures. Fully voice acted for every line and has a Bonus Survival game at the end of the mod where great rewards can be earned if your Warden is up to the task.
This Mod adds a new Class to the game.
Origins - No Friendly Fire Damage
Changes Easy difficulty to Normal, Hard or Nightmare, and removes friendly fire damage. Freezing, knockdown etc remain for party members, and NPC allies are still vulnerable to all forms of friendly fire. Confirmed as working without any issues in the Ultimate edition (v1.05).
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Origins - No Friendly Fire Damage
Changes Easy difficulty to Normal, Hard or Nightmare, and removes friendly fire damage. Freezing, knockdown etc remain for party members, and NPC allies are still vulnerable to all forms of friendly fire. Confirmed as working without any issues in the Ultimate edition (v1.05).
No extremely annoying automatic deactivation of some sustainables after combat/dialog ends or when exit GUI.
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No extremely annoying automatic deactivation of some sustainables after combat/dialog ends or when exit GUI.