- Refine results Found 50 results. 3698 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
This is a Modmanager for Dragon Age and daupdater Replacement It manages the *. dazip, overrid\'s and screenshots.
- 351KB
- 42.0k
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This is a Modmanager for Dragon Age and daupdater Replacement It manages the *. dazip, overrid\'s and screenshots.
This is the continuation of Dragon Age Redesigned. If file is hidden, it is also here:
- 62.3MB
- 41.9k
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This is the continuation of Dragon Age Redesigned. If file is hidden, it is also here:
If you use the console, you have probably found that that what you\'re typing doesn\'t show up. This will fix that problem.
- 2KB
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If you use the console, you have probably found that that what you\'re typing doesn\'t show up. This will fix that problem.
CharGenMorph Compiler automates the process of merging chargenmorphcfg.xml files, searching through all override directories and reconstructing a singular "master" xml file containing all the values.Gone are the days of manually editing xml files and painfully having to eyeball the differences between files - CharGenMorph Comp
- 893KB
- 25.1k
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CharGenMorph Compiler automates the process of merging chargenmorphcfg.xml files, searching through all override directories and reconstructing a singular "master" xml file containing all the values.Gone are the days of manually editing xml files and painfully having to eyeball the differences between files - CharGenMorph Comp
Item Descriptions for Gifts
Change your old hero face and hairstyle anywhere in the game.
- 30KB
- 11.7k
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Change your old hero face and hairstyle anywhere in the game.
FtG UI Mod - More Readable Fonts and UI
Readability improvements for cutscenes, the quest journal, the codex, conversation history, tooltips, the inventory, and other various menus. There\'s still lots more to go and more versions to come.
- 6.6MB
- 11.0k
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FtG UI Mod - More Readable Fonts and UI
Readability improvements for cutscenes, the quest journal, the codex, conversation history, tooltips, the inventory, and other various menus. There\'s still lots more to go and more versions to come.
Instead of having to look for talent/skill ID every time you wish to add something, this mod will allow you to add talent, skill, attribute, and specialization points directly via console commands, and distribute them with in-game GUI.
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Instead of having to look for talent/skill ID every time you wish to add something, this mod will allow you to add talent, skill, attribute, and specialization points directly via console commands, and distribute them with in-game GUI.
Fully customize your party equipement through a new craftskill allowing you to imbue your items with any magical property you desire, and through new skills allowing all kind of items modification : name, material, model, icon, visual effect, itemset... Fully customizable via an in-game configuration menu : Whether TWF is balanced or not is your ch
- 13.7MB
- 4.8k
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Fully customize your party equipement through a new craftskill allowing you to imbue your items with any magical property you desire, and through new skills allowing all kind of items modification : name, material, model, icon, visual effect, itemset... Fully customizable via an in-game configuration menu : Whether TWF is balanced or not is your ch
Adds gift descriptions for Dragon Age: Awakening, The Stone Prisoner and Return to Ostagar.
- 49KB
- 4.8k
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Adds gift descriptions for Dragon Age: Awakening, The Stone Prisoner and Return to Ostagar.
Complete overhaul of the icons used for all equipment, this changes the bland & indifferent look to something much more vibrant & variant. Check it out
- 1.7MB
- 4.3k
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Complete overhaul of the icons used for all equipment, this changes the bland & indifferent look to something much more vibrant & variant. Check it out
FtG Quickbar - Center and Multi Rows
Use up to all fifty quickslots regardless of display resolution. Multiple rows. Row centering options.
- 307KB
- 3.7k
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FtG Quickbar - Center and Multi Rows
Use up to all fifty quickslots regardless of display resolution. Multiple rows. Row centering options.
This add-in gives you access to 4 quickbars. You can navigate through them with a Next and a Previous button.
- 42KB
- 3.4k
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This add-in gives you access to 4 quickbars. You can navigate through them with a Next and a Previous button.
Satisfying all your present and future Add-Item needs
This tool allow to transfer faces between savegames, character files or game resources.
- 17KB
- 3.0k
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This tool allow to transfer faces between savegames, character files or game resources.
Modifies existing ability, potion, trap, grenade and inspiration bonus tooltips to give more detailed information about what various effects are.
- 708KB
- 1.9k
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Modifies existing ability, potion, trap, grenade and inspiration bonus tooltips to give more detailed information about what various effects are.
console commands in codex entry
The mod adds a note to the codex with cheat console commands. This is the initial release so there is no formatting, and just copy\'n paste
- 5KB
- 1.6k
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console commands in codex entry
The mod adds a note to the codex with cheat console commands. This is the initial release so there is no formatting, and just copy\'n paste
More detailed tooltips
Floats the name of placeables, and optionally creatures, above the object similiar to what holding the TAB key does.
- 7KB
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Floats the name of placeables, and optionally creatures, above the object similiar to what holding the TAB key does.
Custom Number of Tactics Slots
Increases DAO's limitation of 50 tactics slots to a user customizable value (250 default). Rebalances Combat Tactics skills to actually be useful. Both are customizable.Requires some manual tweaking to work with DAO Ultimate edition, but is compatible. Not recommended for use with Awakening, but may be partially compatible.
- 213KB
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Custom Number of Tactics Slots
Increases DAO's limitation of 50 tactics slots to a user customizable value (250 default). Rebalances Combat Tactics skills to actually be useful. Both are customizable.Requires some manual tweaking to work with DAO Ultimate edition, but is compatible. Not recommended for use with Awakening, but may be partially compatible.