- Refine results Found 54 results. 3695 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
This is the continuation of Dragon Age Redesigned. If file is hidden, it is also here:
- 62.3MB
- 41.9k
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This is the continuation of Dragon Age Redesigned. If file is hidden, it is also here:
This restores several missing and fully voiced scenes to the game relating to Morrigan in addition to fixing innumerable issues with various parts of her dialogue not triggering correctly.
- 12.7MB
- 22.0k
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This restores several missing and fully voiced scenes to the game relating to Morrigan in addition to fixing innumerable issues with various parts of her dialogue not triggering correctly.
Click on your camp tent to go to sleep alone, with dog, or snuggle with a love interest. Wake up to a beautiful camp morning.
- 52.7MB
- 13.4k
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Click on your camp tent to go to sleep alone, with dog, or snuggle with a love interest. Wake up to a beautiful camp morning.
Fixes many dialog issues (not only Zevran), including Zevran giving the wrong dialog at the city gates, Alistair referring to himself as king when he's not, glitches in the Alienage as a city elf, and more
- 5.6MB
- 9.3k
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Fixes many dialog issues (not only Zevran), including Zevran giving the wrong dialog at the city gates, Alistair referring to himself as king when he's not, glitches in the Alienage as a city elf, and more
Ser Gilmore companion NPC - Fully Voiced
This mod brings Ser Gilmore back into the game as a party member to accompany you throughout the game. It contains a romance, friendship and open relationship paths for all male and females from any race and origin.
- 418.6MB
- 8.3k
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Ser Gilmore companion NPC - Fully Voiced
This mod brings Ser Gilmore back into the game as a party member to accompany you throughout the game. It contains a romance, friendship and open relationship paths for all male and females from any race and origin.
*** NOW - With Auto Loot Everything near me Skill *** A \"Simple\" Auto Loot Mod - If you have enough inventory space all items will be added without opening the loot gui.
- 11KB
- 8.0k
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*** NOW - With Auto Loot Everything near me Skill *** A \"Simple\" Auto Loot Mod - If you have enough inventory space all items will be added without opening the loot gui.
Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding
Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding scene
- 3.6MB
- 7.1k
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Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding
Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding scene
DahliaLynn's - Alistair's First Night Love Scene
A new love scene expressing the magic of Alistair's first intimate experience with a woman, the female warden. It replaces the original love scene in the game.
- 4.1MB
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DahliaLynn's - Alistair's First Night Love Scene
A new love scene expressing the magic of Alistair's first intimate experience with a woman, the female warden. It replaces the original love scene in the game.
DahliaLynn's - Alistair's Visible Kiss
Provides the Human, Elf and Dwarf Female PC with a fully visible, full-contact repeatable kiss with Alistair throughout your adventures in Thedas. Includes Fort Drakon Last kiss scene improvement.
- 69KB
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DahliaLynn's - Alistair's Visible Kiss
Provides the Human, Elf and Dwarf Female PC with a fully visible, full-contact repeatable kiss with Alistair throughout your adventures in Thedas. Includes Fort Drakon Last kiss scene improvement.
DahliaLynn's - Alistair's Nightmare
Alistair experiences a nightmare one night in camp, giving the player insight on the possible thoughts, fears and pain Alistair suffers within. Lore friendly.
- 236.5MB
- 5.5k
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DahliaLynn's - Alistair's Nightmare
Alistair experiences a nightmare one night in camp, giving the player insight on the possible thoughts, fears and pain Alistair suffers within. Lore friendly.
Expand the adventures of the Grey Warden by further exploring the dangerous streets of Denerim. Rumors of elves seeking to continue their bloody rebellion haunt the minds of Denerim citizens after a rash of murders in a back alley. A maleficar eluding capture by templars is only compounding the troubles. An add-in for the official DA campaign.
- 65.1MB
- 5.3k
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Expand the adventures of the Grey Warden by further exploring the dangerous streets of Denerim. Rumors of elves seeking to continue their bloody rebellion haunt the minds of Denerim citizens after a rash of murders in a back alley. A maleficar eluding capture by templars is only compounding the troubles. An add-in for the official DA campaign.
This mod adds several items from the Witcher computer game for use in Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening.
- 4.2MB
- 3.6k
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This mod adds several items from the Witcher computer game for use in Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening.
Combat Animations - Battle Animations
See Long Description
(Very Challenging) Origins campaign add on. Rumours of recently discovered ruins, the team of archaeologists have all been killed and the area is crawling with undead. Investigate the ruins and discover the reason behind these undead and get drawn into a deeper, long buried mystery and face an ancient evil.
- 64.4MB
- 2.4k
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(Very Challenging) Origins campaign add on. Rumours of recently discovered ruins, the team of archaeologists have all been killed and the area is crawling with undead. Investigate the ruins and discover the reason behind these undead and get drawn into a deeper, long buried mystery and face an ancient evil.
You can check this mod on BioWare project page too. This mod tries to recover what happened between Morrigan and Alistair before she offers her Ritual to the Warden at Redcliffe Castle. This scene was removed prior to the release of the game and I tried to put it back based on David Gaider/Aimo
- 14.3MB
- 2.3k
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You can check this mod on BioWare project page too. This mod tries to recover what happened between Morrigan and Alistair before she offers her Ritual to the Warden at Redcliffe Castle. This scene was removed prior to the release of the game and I tried to put it back based on David Gaider/Aimo
A search for a cure to the eventual death sentence that comes as a result of the Joining leads the Grey Warden beyond the Uncharted territories to the Confederacy of Malkuth. Trailer:
- 0KB
- 1.4k
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A search for a cure to the eventual death sentence that comes as a result of the Joining leads the Grey Warden beyond the Uncharted territories to the Confederacy of Malkuth. Trailer:
Baldurs Gate II Redux - Module 1 Irenicus Dungeon
Recreating the Baldur\'s Gate II experience in Dragon Age.
- 280.6MB
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Baldurs Gate II Redux - Module 1 Irenicus Dungeon
Recreating the Baldur\'s Gate II experience in Dragon Age.
Fixed/added default kisses for Zevran. They trigger randomly when selecting the \"kiss him\" option. Dialog tweaks and non-dialog tweaks versions. Additional bugfixes to Zevran as well.
- 632KB
- 1.2k
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Fixed/added default kisses for Zevran. They trigger randomly when selecting the \"kiss him\" option. Dialog tweaks and non-dialog tweaks versions. Additional bugfixes to Zevran as well.
A Malcolm Face Trailer CG Grey Wardens Calling Sacred Ashes
includes 2 face morphs, mrh, MOP for character creation
- 1.3MB
- 1.2k
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A Malcolm Face Trailer CG Grey Wardens Calling Sacred Ashes
includes 2 face morphs, mrh, MOP for character creation
The Bloodworks is an addition to the single player campaign including two quest lines separated by a choice, new companions, new abilities, new areas and new textures. Fully voice acted for every line and has a Bonus Survival game at the end of the mod where great rewards can be earned if your Warden is up to the task.
- 188.1MB
- 1.1k
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The Bloodworks is an addition to the single player campaign including two quest lines separated by a choice, new companions, new abilities, new areas and new textures. Fully voice acted for every line and has a Bonus Survival game at the end of the mod where great rewards can be earned if your Warden is up to the task.