- Refine results Found 504 results. 3247 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
This is the continuation of Dragon Age Redesigned. If file is hidden, it is also here:
- 62.3MB
- 41.9k
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This is the continuation of Dragon Age Redesigned. If file is hidden, it is also here:
Bidelle's Cosmetics adds new eye and complexion presets for each race and gender within Dragon Age Origins and Awakening (and everything in between)!
- 19.4MB
- 14.8k
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Bidelle's Cosmetics adds new eye and complexion presets for each race and gender within Dragon Age Origins and Awakening (and everything in between)!
Morrigan and Leliana Sacred Ashes Face Mod
CG Trailer version of this two characters.
A collection of character designs as compiled morphs and character creator presets
Pretty Faces_Male and Female Preset Heads
Male and Female Preset replacement files for dwarves, elves and humans.
- 57KB
- 6.0k
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Pretty Faces_Male and Female Preset Heads
Male and Female Preset replacement files for dwarves, elves and humans.
DA2 Isabela and Flemeth to DAO
Bring DA2 Isabela and Flemeth model to DAO
New Face and Eyes textures for creating your character in DA.
This mod replaces the default unrealistic teeth \"strips\" with accurate 3D modeled teeth.
- 49.8MB
- 3.9k
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This mod replaces the default unrealistic teeth \"strips\" with accurate 3D modeled teeth.
This is standalone mod! So you have no need to install any other mods.
Changes the game\'s default eye texture. Eye color will change with the games tints.
This tool allow to transfer faces between savegames, character files or game resources.
- 17KB
- 3.0k
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This tool allow to transfer faces between savegames, character files or game resources.
Replacement for elf presets: uses original preset faces with longer, more prominent elf ears.
- 149KB
- 2.3k
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Replacement for elf presets: uses original preset faces with longer, more prominent elf ears.
DrDJs Bandit Emporium - Character Creator Scars
A collection of Scars for the Dragon Age in-game character creator.
- 9.9MB
- 2.2k
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DrDJs Bandit Emporium - Character Creator Scars
A collection of Scars for the Dragon Age in-game character creator.
Alistair morph - darker stubble, thicker brows & lips, blonder hair, bigger eyes. 8/20/10 - added more hair colors.
- 26KB
- 2.1k
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Alistair morph - darker stubble, thicker brows & lips, blonder hair, bigger eyes. 8/20/10 - added more hair colors.
DA2 Merrill and Marethari for DAO
This mod will replace Merrill and Keeper Marethari from the Dalish origin story with versions that more closely resemble their DA2 counterparts, for the sake of visual continuity.
- 53KB
- 2.1k
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DA2 Merrill and Marethari for DAO
This mod will replace Merrill and Keeper Marethari from the Dalish origin story with versions that more closely resemble their DA2 counterparts, for the sake of visual continuity.
New looks for a younger, more beautiful Wynne - more fitting for a \'kind Spirit Healer\' personality.
- 394KB
- 2.0k
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New looks for a younger, more beautiful Wynne - more fitting for a \'kind Spirit Healer\' personality.
Changes most of the tattoos to freckles and other stuff.
Several natural eye textures
A couple of custom-made face textures.
A morph for Isabela to match my DA2 version of her.