- Refine results Found 95 results. 3513 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Allows you to make your pet mabari war dog a permanent 5th travelling companion.
This mod gives you the option to skip the Fade.
CharGenMorph Compiler automates the process of merging chargenmorphcfg.xml files, searching through all override directories and reconstructing a singular "master" xml file containing all the values.Gone are the days of manually editing xml files and painfully having to eyeball the differences between files - CharGenMorph Comp
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CharGenMorph Compiler automates the process of merging chargenmorphcfg.xml files, searching through all override directories and reconstructing a singular "master" xml file containing all the values.Gone are the days of manually editing xml files and painfully having to eyeball the differences between files - CharGenMorph Comp
Click on your camp tent to go to sleep alone, with dog, or snuggle with a love interest. Wake up to a beautiful camp morning.
- 52.7MB
- 13.4k
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Click on your camp tent to go to sleep alone, with dog, or snuggle with a love interest. Wake up to a beautiful camp morning.
Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3.52
New workaround hotfix for the rare but dreaded Skin Deep/Dereliction of Duty/Scrolls of Banastor bug. You should install even if it hasn't affected you yet! This fixpack attempts to address ALL dialogue, quest, scripting, plot, and most item bugs in the base game of Dragon Age: Origins. It also restores much previously inaccessible content.
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Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3.52
New workaround hotfix for the rare but dreaded Skin Deep/Dereliction of Duty/Scrolls of Banastor bug. You should install even if it hasn't affected you yet! This fixpack attempts to address ALL dialogue, quest, scripting, plot, and most item bugs in the base game of Dragon Age: Origins. It also restores much previously inaccessible content.
Ser Gilmore companion NPC - Fully Voiced
This mod brings Ser Gilmore back into the game as a party member to accompany you throughout the game. It contains a romance, friendship and open relationship paths for all male and females from any race and origin.
- 418.6MB
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Ser Gilmore companion NPC - Fully Voiced
This mod brings Ser Gilmore back into the game as a party member to accompany you throughout the game. It contains a romance, friendship and open relationship paths for all male and females from any race and origin.
Ancient weapons of Elvhenan. Made out of Elvhenan Alloy, they are powerful weapons with a deadly beauty and grace.
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Ancient weapons of Elvhenan. Made out of Elvhenan Alloy, they are powerful weapons with a deadly beauty and grace.
Awakening Blackblade Armor Dragon Drop Fix
Fixes the bug in Awakening that the High Dragon in the Dragonbone Wastes doesn\'t drop the Blackblade Gloves and Boots.
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Awakening Blackblade Armor Dragon Drop Fix
Fixes the bug in Awakening that the High Dragon in the Dragonbone Wastes doesn\'t drop the Blackblade Gloves and Boots.
This AddIn places an ornate chest in the player\'s basic camp which will hold the items from any Item AddIns I release
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This AddIn places an ornate chest in the player\'s basic camp which will hold the items from any Item AddIns I release
A collection of gameplay fixes, tweaks and quality of life changes.
MerAnne's Camp Storage adds 4 storage containers to Camp plus the functionality to 'level' the materials in equipment.
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MerAnne's Camp Storage adds 4 storage containers to Camp plus the functionality to 'level' the materials in equipment.
(Very Challenging) Origins campaign add on. Rumours of recently discovered ruins, the team of archaeologists have all been killed and the area is crawling with undead. Investigate the ruins and discover the reason behind these undead and get drawn into a deeper, long buried mystery and face an ancient evil.
- 64.4MB
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(Very Challenging) Origins campaign add on. Rumours of recently discovered ruins, the team of archaeologists have all been killed and the area is crawling with undead. Investigate the ruins and discover the reason behind these undead and get drawn into a deeper, long buried mystery and face an ancient evil.
Ser Gilmore and dog companions in Awakening - Fully Voiced
This mod brings Ser Gilmore and your loyal mabari into AWAKENING, as new companions for the expansion. This mod continues the story of Ser Gilmore companion in Dragon Age Origins. Fully Voiced!
- 133.8MB
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Ser Gilmore and dog companions in Awakening - Fully Voiced
This mod brings Ser Gilmore and your loyal mabari into AWAKENING, as new companions for the expansion. This mod continues the story of Ser Gilmore companion in Dragon Age Origins. Fully Voiced!
This is a tiny Mod which removes pixelation when Bloom, Depth of Field are applied. No more ugly pixels in front of your face!
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This is a tiny Mod which removes pixelation when Bloom, Depth of Field are applied. No more ugly pixels in front of your face!
Updates all elves in Origins, Awakening and DLC to the DA2 style. Requires Elf Update by TMP7704.
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Updates all elves in Origins, Awakening and DLC to the DA2 style. Requires Elf Update by TMP7704.
Allows for multiple romances at the same time.
The Grey Warden Weddings - Alistair- plus Male Cousland and Anora
Alistair can marry the female wardens if he is in love, and NOT becoming king (remaining a Grey Warden). Of course, Alistair and the female Warden must have survived the final battle (Dark Ritual)
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The Grey Warden Weddings - Alistair- plus Male Cousland and Anora
Alistair can marry the female wardens if he is in love, and NOT becoming king (remaining a Grey Warden). Of course, Alistair and the female Warden must have survived the final battle (Dark Ritual)
Armor, weapons and outfits from Dragon age Inquisition for humans.
This mod adds 44 new finishing moves(Deathblows),ability to cut heads by an axe and more...
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This mod adds 44 new finishing moves(Deathblows),ability to cut heads by an axe and more...
This is a growing collection of Dragon Age: Origins companion and npc headmorphs, as well as a few other changes to some of those characters. Custom hair tints and other addons are also available now.
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This is a growing collection of Dragon Age: Origins companion and npc headmorphs, as well as a few other changes to some of those characters. Custom hair tints and other addons are also available now.