- Refine results Found 19 results. 3735 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
This mod will replace some/most/all ogres in Dragon Age Origins into their armored variant from Dragon Age: Awakening.
- 6.8MB
- 904
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This mod will replace some/most/all ogres in Dragon Age Origins into their armored variant from Dragon Age: Awakening.
Just a little resize of the in-game drakes and dragons. Nothing huge, just makes them a bit bigger.
- 5.8MB
- 732
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Just a little resize of the in-game drakes and dragons. Nothing huge, just makes them a bit bigger.
Bigger Witherfang
Sacred Ashes Spider Shapeshifting - Bigger Spiders
This mod aims to make the Corrupted Spider(Master Shapeshifter's spider transformation) bigger like it was in the Sacred Ashes trailer.
- 6.7MB
- 350
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Sacred Ashes Spider Shapeshifting - Bigger Spiders
This mod aims to make the Corrupted Spider(Master Shapeshifter's spider transformation) bigger like it was in the Sacred Ashes trailer.
DarkSpawn is retexture mod which visual remakes how these vile Creatures look in game.
- 76.6MB
- 269
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DarkSpawn is retexture mod which visual remakes how these vile Creatures look in game.
This is archdemon re-scaled to a scale of 5 which results in a huge archdemon hope you like it is my first re-scaled ^ ^
- 4.5MB
- 186
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This is archdemon re-scaled to a scale of 5 which results in a huge archdemon hope you like it is my first re-scaled ^ ^
Creatures Rescaled are original DAO creatures rescaled (resized) to fit their game purpose better.
- 8.5MB
- 169
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Creatures Rescaled are original DAO creatures rescaled (resized) to fit their game purpose better.
Outfits for Schmooples ( Leliana's Nug )
Adds accessories to Schmooples, Leiliana's pet nug
- 516KB
- 138
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Outfits for Schmooples ( Leliana's Nug )
Adds accessories to Schmooples, Leiliana's pet nug
This is high dragon re-scaled to a various scales
Adds horses from Dragon Age: Inquisition as new creatures.
Queen Spider Rescale Size Bug Fix
Corrects the Error of the Giant Spider Queen Models so that they do not become deformed with the changes of position or when moving away from the corpses.
- 311KB
- 68
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Queen Spider Rescale Size Bug Fix
Corrects the Error of the Giant Spider Queen Models so that they do not become deformed with the changes of position or when moving away from the corpses.
Skeletons of the Grey Wardens in Return to Ostagar
Replacer by part of darkspown, a ogre and werewolfs
- 28.3MB
- 68
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Skeletons of the Grey Wardens in Return to Ostagar
Replacer by part of darkspown, a ogre and werewolfs
Master Ranger summons Witherfang
Master Ranger can summon Witherfang now.
Spider becomes rock - arachnophobia be gone
Turns all spiders into rocks. Or, just removes the hissing noises they make.
- 573KB
- 32
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Spider becomes rock - arachnophobia be gone
Turns all spiders into rocks. Or, just removes the hissing noises they make.
Replaces rats with hedgehogs, as the maker intended
Changes Emissaries to their DA2 appearance.
Master Ranger Summons Queen Spider
Changes the Master Ranger talent's upgraded spider summon from a Poisonous Spider to a Queen Spider.
- 1KB
- 27
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Master Ranger Summons Queen Spider
Changes the Master Ranger talent's upgraded spider summon from a Poisonous Spider to a Queen Spider.
A remake of my original Fennec For You mod, adding a pet fennec to join your travels.
Mabari 2 Wolf Merge Fix -NPC and Dog-
This mod merges the mods made by icthulu called "Dog and Mabari to Wolf models replacer". I wanted to play using these mods where I had the NPC/Ambient Mabari Hounds replaced with Generic Wolves (I Dislike the Default Mabari Models), so I tried out their mod that replaces the model however I realised that the GDA files conflict so I made this.
- 6.0MB
- 3
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Mabari 2 Wolf Merge Fix -NPC and Dog-
This mod merges the mods made by icthulu called "Dog and Mabari to Wolf models replacer". I wanted to play using these mods where I had the NPC/Ambient Mabari Hounds replaced with Generic Wolves (I Dislike the Default Mabari Models), so I tried out their mod that replaces the model however I realised that the GDA files conflict so I made this.