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About this mod

A remake of my original Fennec For You mod, adding a pet fennec to join your travels.

Permissions and credits
(Another) Fennec For You


Adds a pet fennec from DAI for you to summon on your travels. The fennec is not a combatant and will not participate in combat. It's simply there to follow you around and be cute!

This is a remake of my original Fennec For You mod featuring an updated model, the ability to name your fennec, and actual sounds. I have a much better grasp on modding now than I did when I created the first one, so I'd been wanting to remake it for a while. I'm leaving the original up in case anyone still wants the old version.

Install the dazip with your preferred mod manager. No override component necessary this time (unless you want to use one of the optional files). Technically, I *believe* you should be able to use this along with my original Fennec For You mod, but I wouldn't recommend it. Best practice would be to remove that mod first and only use one of them.

Once the mod is installed, a new item, "Fragrant Herbs," should be spawned in your inventory. You can use this item to summon your fennec. The first time your fennec is spawned, the game *should* prompt you to enter a name for it. If the prompt doesn't appear, or if you later decide you want to change your fennec's name, you can use the console to rename it by opening the console and typing the following:

runscript ffy_rename

If the Fragrant Herbs item doesn't spawn in your inventory, you can use the console to spawn one by typing the following:

runscript give_flower

Once your fennec is summoned and named for the first time, it should retain its name throughout. You will need to re-summon it each time you zone into a new area, but it should remain in areas you have already visited.

If you click on your fennec, it will make a little chirping noise for you and play a random animation (taken from the dog's animations -- you shouldn't hear any barking, but the pants and breathing sounds will be the dog sounds).

Your fennec can be dismissed at any time by using the Fragrant Herbs item.

There are two extra files in the optional downloads. The first is a slightly larger version of the fennec -- this one is approximately half the size of a mabari, and possibly more in line with their actual size in DAI.

The second is a file to add a pet fennec for Habren in Denerim's Market District. The DAI fennec codex is a letter from her to her father begging for a pet fennec, and since she seems very spoiled, I would assume her father went ahead and got her one. Does she deserve one? Probably not! But I gave her one anyway.

Inspiration and original implementation ideas came from ELF the Pet Cat.
Fennec mesh and textures come from DAI.