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Created by

MoonAerin - Mihail - todor

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About this mod

Replaces the chicken model with a new one.

Permissions and credits
A simple mod that replaces the chicken model with a new one. Probably not many people look at chickens running underfoot, but the vanilla model in my opinion needed improvement, so I decided to replace it with a better one. I hope you find this mod useful for screenshots, cutscenes or just for fun :)

  • All LODs.
  • 1k textures.
  • Low polygon model (new model has 2401 triangles vs. vanilla model's 970 triangles).

  • Extract the archive using 7-zip archivator.
  • Put the extracted "Chicken Replacer" folder into your "override" folder (...Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override).
  • Done!
To uninstall the mod, just delete the "Chicken Replacer" folder from your "override" folder.

Compatible with other DAO chicken retextures, but they will not work with the new model because it uses textures with new names.

Mihail for the amazing mod Chicken Replacer - Mihail Monsters and Animals and for allowing me to convert it to DAO.
todor for the optimized chicken model and for allowing me to convert it to DAO.
Eshme for Model and Animation Import Export 3dsmax Gmax.
Hermaen2000 for the Flycam mod.
You for your support!