This is two sets of fine clothes for your Prince or Princess Aeducan to wear. It comes with optional starting UTCs if you want to start off in some fancy finery instead of heavy armor.
Drop the folder labeled 'Dwarf Closet' into your override folder, then go in and either delete the UTCs or delete whichever folder you do not want. You can get these added regardless by opening the console and entering 'runscript vls_aeducan'.
These as of right now are only intended for player characters and therefore only include LOD0. I intend to add LOD2 when I get a chance.
horography for the textures the silk suit uses.
magpiedragon for the armor resources used.
NewByPower for the textures used for the hands.
TMP7704 for the female dwarf proportions fix used.
You can do what you like with this mod, provided you credit horography for the textures used if you're using that set of clothes and magpiedragon for the armor resources if you use those. You must also credit NewByPower and TMP7704 for their stuff. Me, I like credit, but it isn't necessary. I WOULD like to see what you make :D
LOTS OF THANKS to both magpiedragon and sapphim for their help with teaching me how to get meshes into the game and how to make standalones
also a lot of thanks to both RogueLass and AndersWasRight, because I looked through their files for how to properly make standalones and edit dao utc files :D