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  1. rdmst
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My only problem is that I don't understand how to use the toolset. Am I supposed to replace the default human female preset heads with these and, if so, how? I have tried googling and looking it up but I can't find anything that explains easily how to do that.
    1. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      I understand the toolset can be tricky, and a lot of times overwhelming to figure out, but the good news is toolset is not required to install the heads, all it does is create and import.

      I'm working on a chargenmorph xml for this mod, but here's how you do it manually:

      1. Extract and pop the file with the MOPs in either the override folder in the main directory or the toolsetexport folder in documents.

      2. Get out a chargenmorph xml from your override (if you have one from one of the other mods like Pineappletree's Vibrant Colours), and open/edit it with Notepad or Wordpad.

      3. Read this VERY carefully:

      Scroll to the Human Female head section and down to the last line. Press Enter to start a new line after the last, and write this exactly:

      <resource name="hf_agata.mop" />

      So, you basically write in the name of the individual head between "hf_" and "mop" til you have all 30 names down. Check the file with the MOPs to see their names.

      4. Save the chargenmorph xml.

      5. Open up the game and test run the Character Creation at the beginning. BE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE REQUIRED MODS if you want them to show like in the images.

      Hope this has helped you.

    2. rdmst
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah! That makes sense and was easy to follow. :3 The heads didn't show up at first until I used the DA CharGenMorph Compiler. Now they show up but a couple of them look odd so I must have installed the mods incorrectly. I will look at my override folder but thank you again. :3

      Edit: Just one final question, I think. I have the eyelashes mod but the eyelashes aren't working like they should. They are solid black around the eyes. I thought maybe it was the mod itself but it seems works with some elf mop heads that I got to work with your help.
    3. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      It is possible you are missing Kanihime's Textures (found under Ferelden Models), DAO Misc and DAO Companions. Some of the contain the eyelashes you seek, but I am not sure which ones contain what you're looking for.

      DAO Misc 1 & 2=

      DAO Companions=

      If all else fails, I'll send you the rest of the eyelashes.

    4. rdmst
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That got half of the eyelashes to work and they look lovely. I could just those presets. Thank you for your help. :3
    5. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Welcome anytime ^^
    6. Interester
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Do you by chance have the eyelash textures still? :( DAO misc blog is gone and I have the same issue, your presets are my favorite
  2. Chalyss
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Thank you! Love these! For those who need a pseudo-chargen, hope it's okay I post this here:
    <human female>
    <resource name="hf_agata.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_analeighsa.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_brietta.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_crysie.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_danilyn.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_elenna.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_evabritt.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_franka.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_gracia.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_liurline.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_lorena.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_luling.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_martha.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_merethe.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_naima.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_orvila.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_panina.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_rachelle.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_rhiannon.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_roisin.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_shion.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_sinead.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_sivaughn.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_svalka.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_tash.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_tully.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_vanese.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_virene.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_yana.mop" />
    <resource name="hf_zuska.mop" />
    </human female>
    1. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Oh, thank you! Why haven't I thought of that earlier? Oh well, that's nice of you to do that, thanks
    2. noiryork
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Crap. I should have checked the comments before typing them out. Lol.
  3. Puffhime
    • supporter
    • 51 kudos
    pretty morphs barnzi =] ill endorse when able xD
  4. SunnyIridescence
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    You have required a lot of mods. Are there any that we don't really need (such as Ferelden Models?) because I like the way my companions look/i already have mods changing how they look. This only affect npcs that aren't companions right? If not do you think you could make of version of it?
    1. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      What do you mean by the last part?

      I've tried to reduce the amount of mods required. Most you'll need are tint mods (Pineappletree, CC's Tones etc) and eyelash-mods (Kanihime and LOTC). I might need to go back over them and check again, it's been a while since I was last on here.
  5. TheTravelingBard
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Beautiful, realistic head models. Any plans to do other races? Dwarf females need your touch to look good but also realistic and tough.
    1. TheTravelingBard
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Didn't read description. Sorry. Hope to see the dwarves soon.
    2. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Yes, I plan to do both Elves and Dwarves.

      Once I get life out of the way, and have some time, I'll work on those.
  6. nulukkizdin
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    The screenshots look excellent! Did you set the mod to hidden? It won't let me download.
    1. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Mod's not hidden, it is there.

  7. Cerys
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Sorry, I'm having some problems with getting the eyelashes working.
    The only head to work is Agata, whereas all the others have black boxes.

    I've installed the LOTC eyelashes + textures just as instructed (+toolset ones).
    All the faces are very beautiful, and I feel very limited only being able to use one :c
    1. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Have you looked up Kanihime's Textures (under Ferelden Models), DAO Misc1 & 2 as well as DAO Companions?

      I don't remember where else I got the eyelashes, they were all over the internet and not labelled so clearly. If all else fails, I can send you the remainder of the eyelashes. Otherwise, if you know how to use the toolset, you can simply edit the mrh and replace them with the LOTC eyelashes, which are also great touches.

      I know, so hard to pick just one XD But, if you want to use the others just set them to some NPC's you want and export as MORs.
  8. SirensRequiem
    • supporter
    • 68 kudos
    Thank you so much for including the mrh's. There are a lot of missing textures that I don't know where to find but since you released mrh's it is an easy replace. For some reason I only have kh lashes 1,3,4 and no 2 so I just switch the number to make it show. And I don't have realistic sjc textures, cant find them but easy fix by switching those to some other sjc tex that I do have. I will be using some of these faces for npc's I will post pics when I do ;-)

    The heads are very well done! Great mod, you talented lady! ^_^
    1. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      You can look up in the required mods list for the mods I used. SJC's Skins are found under Lipstick and Moles.

      Regardless, thanks for your interest in my mod. I look forward to seeing your images of them.
  9. Quorwyf
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Nice job on the HFs so far.

    When you get around to EF will you make any using the da2 elf head as a base?
    1. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Yes, I will be using the DA2 style for the EF. It's my preferred look for them anyway.

    2. Quorwyf
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Awesome. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
  10. picha
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i dont get it...what this mod does? It is for the main character or it will change NPC's ?
    I got the redesign so if it change npc's i dont think ill be able to use this one
    1. Barnzi88
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      It's for editing in the toolset (hence the MRH files) or making them MOPs for the CC. It can be for the main character, or for a NPC, whatever you wish.