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Elelith SplitCoreGaming

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Hated the ugly blotchy item textures so figured I'd fix a couple, but the thing got a little out of hand. So I have been (very) slowly retexturing parts of the game.

Permissions and credits
So ventured my group to the Mage tower.. You lot know what is coming next! I know you do! And we all hate it. And this time I can't use a mod to simply skip it. Oh bugger.
But all up to that is now re-done in the tower. Now I just need to muster my motivation and go to the fade.

Easter update!!! Yay!!

So! I ventured into Orzammar and the deeproads and now they are both done!! Woop-de-doop! Lot's of new clutter items and ofc many many new enviroment files. Some furniture too.

Enjoy and remember to delete the old file just in case! :)



Well I will not go into details about being homeless, no electricity, fire hazards, council wars and demonic eviction.

HOWEVER, I can state the teaser files are finally up.

Scary... Only about 300 of 800+ files have been done. But due to me fixing shaders, adding normals, spectrals and adding new files entirely in some places, it is larger than originals. Please be aware the files have been separated from original layout. This is due to me using the 'Final' folder to keep track with what I am happy with.

Therefor highly recommend you move the original mod files out of the override folder to see the differences. I will work on getting things tidied up for next proper release.

Additionally I will be releasing a Reshade file in next week that will add a ton of new stuff to DAO and make things look very impressive. Feedback is extremely welcomed. Be aware these are no way final. 300 odd files, and I have a excel sheet of over 400+ tweaks/fixes I need to do on these. These are all first passes to get feeling right ingame, Polish is far later. Enjoy!


2nd Feb 2016 - Apologies ALL!

Sorry for Silence. I have had a insanely chaotic few months. Firstly I had to leave flat due to ongoing issues that made it dangerous. Then I visited parents in Bahrain over Christmas. However, with Saudi kicking off with beheadings the internet was shut down without warning, locking me off from my cloud saved files. Then soon as I returned to UK I have spent all of January learning how to start my own company and paperwork to acquire fundings. *Breaths*

NOW, I have freed time all the way up to March by fighting through this chaos. I sadly ain't going to set a date in stone, but expect a large release by then with Normal maps, touched up textures and a at minimum over 1000 textures with full spectral maps as well if required.

I also been working on a Reshade setup that introduces a lot of new effects. The best one being colour bleeding of environment lights as they bounce. Sadly it is intense and setup purely for my setup. I may as an apology add this as an optional for people to test. If people respond well I will make it a separate project linked to this.

BTW, Late Merry Christmas and New Year >.<


Updated stuff! So there will be that revisited Redcliffe file and outside Forstbacks. Outside FBM isn't 100% complete, but since I'm going for a family vacation for a week I figured I wanted to update this before that.


Good news everyone!! Be gone my flat normal maps, we shall have new improved ones! And the best of news? They are so not made by me! :D
SplitCoreGaming rolled up his sleeves and started fixing all my mis-- working on the problem. How awesome is that?!? Very!!


I also relocated some files so you will want to DELETE the older version. Doubles won't break anything as far as I know but you will then have possibly an older version of some texture floting about. Uncool. <- Still stands. Relocated some files again on this update.


Umm.. what else? I had something in my mind but it escaped! Darn it.. Ah! Yes! Screenshots are welcome, atleast from the good stuff :D I'm not very creative on those either or actually have time to play the game, I just load and re-load and stare at shopping carts and crates and hanging meat!

Slowly starting to feel like there might be an end of it all too! Doesn't feel quite so desperate anymore. (No, lies, it does..)

I also usually try and keep the textures lore friendly, if I can put it so, that I wouldn't change them too much but that said I did go a little different path with the Fade textures. Just sort of trying it out (they are in the Enviroment folder). If you don't like them let me know and delete the files (it's just Blackmarshes fade so far). It is only my view on the Fade so not all will like it. :)


Like so many others I've been downloading lots of mods to make my warden and her companions pretty. To enjoy a beautiful game and nice screenshots.. Oh but wait.. What is that blotchy thing on the background of my screenshot? It's a door? It's a cart? It's an armoire..? Or maybe one of those oh-so-gorgeus statues they have put in the game.

So far I have fiddled with little over 700 files. Some more succesfully and some not so much. Figured anyway to share some, incase anyone is interested in redder tomatos and colourful backs of books. I have also sticked my fingers into the enviroment of the game, grounds and walls etc. That is a separate file because I originally had some problems with the bump maps, but that problem I accidentally found a solution. Yay! Now I just gotta go back to all the files and fix 'em. Meh.

My taste on things will not match everyone, so what ever you don't like delete it, edit it, eat it, what ever you feel like. I have nothing against sharing (no paysites :( ) but if you are editing my textures instead of your own, please credit or atleast put a little "inspired by--" :D

Installing is the classic old: Slap it in the override folder!
-> C:Users[Your_computer_name_here]DocumentsBioWareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride

I completely and utterly suck at any kind of bugfixing or any that kind of stuff, I just basicly copy-paste images on top of others, so sorry about that, most likely I can't help you.

I have noticed some black squares/triangles and textures but I have on idea how to fix that. If you do, feel free to share the info! :D

Ain't so happy with all of my work, but so far I'm just trying to finnish this darned thing and after that I'll go back to fix the things I've screwed up.