Dragon Age: Origins


  1. pdugan1
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    • 1 kudos
    I don't understand what is going on here,  I got through all of it but it seemed really odd, should Sophia only be a head with no body??!!! Got to the end and Avernus did his thing to "open" the circles so the bad dudes could come through and does that and says "They're coming", so I'm waiting and nothing comes through! I look at Avernus and there is an arrow over his head like I should click on him but, I can't. Pls tell what the hack is going on and how can I finish this??? There won't be a way to shop here or??enjoy your new stuff. I haven't played DA:O since I upgraded mt PC. Stumbled on this new updated DA:O and am THRILLED I can play again!! PLease help!!!!!
    1. maaaaaaaaap
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      • 15 kudos
      For the quest appearing bugged: Zoom out as far as you can, run the corner to the left as you re-enter the chamber from the stairs leading up to Sophia's room. 
      This is a known issue that I don't think is caused by this mod. 

      Floating head Sophia, however, might be. 
    2. pdugan1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      TY, but that still doesn't answer why there are NO demons to kill and I can't actually finish this. Avernus just stands there with an arrow over head waiting for us to kill the demons that never come thru! I don't know how to finish this...
  2. dragonblood828
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    • 0 kudos
    Is this mod compatible with the other mod "Warden Commander Armor"? I'm not sure if it might conflict with its stats.
  3. Caparzzo
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    • 2 kudos
    Hey setiweb, I have a conflict with Flash Creatures Rescale mod so I'm debating whether to erase those files but I'm not sure from which mode. What would be the consequences of deleting the following files from your mod? or should it be advised to keep your files to maintain the cohesion of the changes you made to this portion of the game? The files are:

    Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
  4. NetDigger
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    This mod didn't fix the bug. Wardens Keep is unplayable.

    1. spottedkomodo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I've been through it twice in separate run throughs and haven't had any major problems.

      One thing I would like to know is in the readme it says "Added a way to leave the repair peak to explore the surrounding area." Does anyone know what that actually entails? I took it to mean that were one or more new areas around the keep to explore but exiting the exterior of the keep just brings up the world map and no new areas. Potential spoiler: There were a bunch of ogres to the left of the keep there is no way to reach them except to stand next to the ballistae and take pot shots and them and run when they "hurl".

      One problem I encountered was that if I enter the repaired keep and then exit to the exterior, the exterior is empty (like in vanilla), all the added mobs etc are gone. But since I don't think there is anything of significance inside the keep there is no reason to enter I guess. I've now read all the older posts and the author points out this is a known issue and the fix is simply to leave and come back.
    2. NetDigger
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      I was talking about the famous door.
    3. setiweb
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      Does anyone know what that actually entails?

      Look at my last uploaded image, specifically the "GO HERE" part.  I've added a small platform that you can use to traverse into the otherwise off-limits areas.

      I also figured out a way to get back into the normal usable area.  Go to the wall that's just above the terrace.  It's only textured on one side so from the off-limits side you'll be able to see through it.  Press up against it and throw any grenade through it.  The animation should cause you to step through the wall back onto the terrace.
    4. Caparzzo
      • member
      • 2 kudos
  5. AterValeo
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    I really liked the old...old...old...old? (no longer available for download) version of this mod best, that basically ensured you got guaranteed drops for what could drop from vanilla, got all the foes that could spawn to spawn, and could reaccess the keep afterward with just a few little changes to the keep overall. I have a copy from 2013 I am still using in part to achieve that although it has a few issues. However, the current mod is way beyond vanilla now, and after pouring over the files for hours and testing...and testing...and testing again, I cannot figure out how on earth to get back to that even when only the original files from that copy are present as clearly they are no longer the same.

    So here is my request (and I have no delusions that I'll log on tomorrow and even have a reply lest be accommodated as I understand I'll probably need to come back in months if not years to even see some acknowledgement lest progess), but if Seti for whatever reason has the inkling to acquiesce to my desires: could we possibly get a "lite" / "light" / "abridged" version that accomplishes that? It would be super helpful (but probably even more work) if there were actually some description anywhere in the readme or in the 114 comments about what files are interacting with each other that may still cause residual effects when you remove them, but it might be easier to just get some kind of "core" or "base" configuration that was closer to vanilla and then know explicitly from there a bit better what you might want to add in terms of options.

    I saw seti's amusing jest about another commenter being "compatible" with the readme or description or comments in relation to Improved Atmosphere, but then the truth as I am able with my limited mind to perceive it right now is: this is not nearly so self-explanatory as such remarks would lead one to to believe! I thought it would be fairly straightforward to pick and choose after reading everything, but the reality of the file structure and documentation is not conducive to that. So, please consider adding a guide or making the mod more modular so that one could conceivably experience it in a better, bug-free form from its original incarnation. Thanks for all your work on this Seti, and may the new year treat you right (or at least better) than this past year (although I hope you'll forgive me for thinking that I won't personally object if for benign reasons you still end up at home, still modding away for the next few years or so).
    1. DiligentObserver
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      • 3 kudos
      There's an April 2013 version (The 2nd one under The "Old Files" section). Doesn't that version suit your needs?
  6. playsimo2
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    Hi, can someone help me? The scribe is basically immortal i tried everything i even tried to see if he was beatable with a save editor to edit my character a rogue with 99 on all the stats and still he smashes me... i can't hit him at all and the few times i manage to hit him, he just heals back up
    1. balmz
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      maybe just use runscript killallhostiles
    2. playsimo2
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      yeah... but i really wanted to play without cheating... isn't there any other way to kill him? I just can t hit him

    3. setiweb
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      Scribe has a very high dodge rate. Easiest way would be to remove the scribe folder from the mod so then you fight the vanilla skeleton. Otherwise try using talents that automatically hit. I've been able to defeat her with Shale and Dog in the party. Overwhelm will pin Scribe on her back.
    4. LiuMing219
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      I defeated him with two templars (Alistair and Noble Warden) Oghren and Wynne. Used a lot of Cleanse Area. 
  7. Bikerdruid
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    Where is the Original file for Kickass Origins I can't get it to work since the updated file was installed. Please let me know
    1. setiweb
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      What origin, what's it doing? what's it not doing?
    2. pdugan1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I can no longer find that mod, period!! I love that mod the OG mod is great! WHERE IS IT???????
    3. setiweb
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      It's right there under Optional files.
  8. SerdnaOdraude
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    what do you mean with the Ogre Onslaught?
    1. setiweb
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      Lets just say make sure you have ranged weapons on you when you return to the repaired keep.
    2. SerdnaOdraude
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      You made me very curious ... although I wish I could see a video ... hahahaha
    3. setiweb
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      That's why you SAVE before going back to the Keep. Cuz if you don't like what you see you can always go back, remove the Ogre UTC files, and have the repaired Keep without them. Besides surely you wouldn't want me spoiling the surprise.
  9. Da1AnOnlyCrazy
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    i have a strange feeling, i think i have to SAVE FREQUENTLY!
  10. ahlewis32
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Setiweb! Great to see you are still with us!
    I've been gaming on consoles for a few years, but I got a new rig and I'm ready for some DAO.
    Anyone who reads this needs to know that Setiweb is the man for mods here. All his have the ahlewis32 stamp of extreme approval.
    Missed you old friend, and I'm back! <3
    1. setiweb
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      Hiya! Good to see you too!
      And right now I'm working on an update to my Redcliffe mod.