Dragon Age: Origins

About this mod

This Mod adds a new Class to the game.

Permissions and credits

Please read the Known Issues Readme before leaving a "X doesn't work" comment.


For best results, install with DA Modder. Installing with DAUpdater or DAO Mod Manager appears to cause missing file issues.

It is also always a good idea to uninstall old versions of a Mod before updating to a new version.


- Works with Class and Specialization Pack. HOWEVER; if you disable that you'll have to also manually delete the background GDA files it installs to avoid background issues in the character creator.
- Awakening blocks the first new Mod-added Class from selection as a new character. You'll have to either use the spiriteaterx console command or make a character in the OC and import them in.


The Spirit Eater is basically a 'Build Your Own Class' Class as it can gain access to all of the three default Class' base abilities.

Its own abilities are focused on facilitating a hybrid class build by providing additional ability and attribute learning opportunities.

New Talents/Spells

Spirit Eater

Devour Spirit - Single Target
The target takes spirit damage equal to 25% of their maximum health and your stamina is replenished by 10% of its maximum. If the target is killed, your stamina is replenished by a bonus amount equal to the target's remaining health and you receive a number of soul gems relevant to its rank. Critters give 1, Normals give 2, Elites give 3, Bosses give 4, and Elite Bosses give 5.
Only works on Animals, Spirits, and Demons.

Devour Soul - Passive
Devour Spirit now works on Beasts, Dragons, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Quanari, and Golems.

Spirit Gorge - Self Target AOE
You affect all hostiles within a 10ft radius with a casting of Devour Spirit. Counts as a use of Devour Spirit.

Ravenous Incarnation - Self Target
You gain +100% Electric, Cold, and Mental Resistance as well as a 15 point bonus to Armor Rating for 2 minutes. In addition, your melee attacks do an extra 5 Spirit Damage and any creature killed will be affected as though hit by Devour Spirit. Counts as a use of Devour Spirit.

Enhance Constitution - Self Target
You consume 5 soul gems to gain a permanent 1 point increase to Base Constitution.

Enhance Strength - Self Target
You consume 5 soul gems to gain a permanent 1 point increase to Base Strength.

Enhance Body - Self Target
You consume 10 soul gems to gain a permanent 5% bonus to Physical Resistance.

Essence of the Warrior - Self Target
You consume 15 soul gems to gain a Talent Point. Also passively provides access to the Warrior Talents and Warrior-specific items.

Enhance Willpower - Self Target
You consume 5 soul gems to gain a permanent 1 point increase to Base Willpower.

Enhance Magic - Self Target
You consume 5 soul gems to gain a permanent 1 point increase to Base Magic.

Enhance Resilience - Self Target
You consume 10 soul gems to gain a permanent 2% bonus to Spell Resistance.

Essence of the Mage - Self Target
You consume 15 soul gems to gain a Talent Point. Also passively provides access to Talent versions of the Mage's Spells and Mage-specific items.

Enhance Dexterity - Self Target
You consume 5 soul gems to gain a permanent 1 point increase to Base Dexterity.

Enhance Cunning - Self Target
You consume 5 soul gems to gain a permanent 1 point increase to Base Cunning.

Enhance Mind - Self Target
You consume 10 soul gems to gain a permanent 5% bonus to Mental Resistance.

Essence of the Rogue - Self Target
You consume 15 soul gems to gain a Talent Point. Also passively provides access to the Rogue Talents and Rogue-specific items.

Crystalize Essence - Passive
This requires Ravenous Incarnation to appear. Devour Spirit now works on Darkspawn, but produces a different type of soul gem.

Tainted Body - Self Target
You consume 5 tainted soul gems and sacrifice a permanent 1 point of Base Willpower to gain a permanent 1 point increase to Base Strength and Constitution.

Tainted Mind - Self Target
You consume 10 tainted soul gems and sacrifice a permanent 1 point of Base Willpower to gain a permanent 1 point increase to Base Magic and Cunning.

Tainted Essence - Self Target
You consume 20 tainted soul gems to gain one of the below tainted abilities. Abilities are granted in order.

Enrage - Self Target
The caster receives a 20% Movement Speed bonus, a bonus of 8 points to Strength, and a -20 Defense Rating penalty for 20 seconds.

Corruption Burst - Self Target AOE
All hostiles within 5ft of the caster receive -10 penalties to their Attack and Defense Ratings for 10 seconds, as well as take (<caster level> * 2.5) Spirit Damage over the course of that 10 seconds.<br><br><strong>Detonate Darkspawn</strong> - Single Target Darkspawn<br>The caster causes the targeted darkspawn to explode and damage all nearby if it fails a Mental Resistance check against the caster's Spellpower. Does not work on Bosses or Elite Bosses.<br><br><strong>Enslave Darkspawn</strong> - Single Target Darkspawn<br>A Blood Control that only works on darkspawn.<br><br>------------------------------<br>Blood Dancer<br>------------------------------<br><br><strong>Blood Letting</strong> - Sustainable<br>Enemies you damage in melee combat will become marked for 60 seconds. Only marked creatures can be affected by Essence Thief, Hemaphobia, and Blood Boil. Creatures without blood cannot be marked.<br><br><strong>Vampiric Feast</strong> - Self Target AOE<br>Marked targets are afflicted by the Drain Life and Drain Mana spells. Non-Mages have their Stamina drained instead of Mana.<br><br><strong>Hemaphobia</strong> - Self Target AOE<br>Marked targets are afflicted by the Horror spell.<br><br><strong>Blood Boil</strong> - Self Target AOE<br>Marked targets are afflicted by the Blood Wound spell.<br><br>------------------------------<br>Child of Night<br>------------------------------<br><br><strong>Shadow Form</strong> - Passive<br>Increases Cold/Nature Resistance by 10%.<br><br><strong>Dancing Shadows</strong> - Self Target<br>Increases Defense Rating by 50 for 12 seconds. Night Form and Cloak of Shadows each add an additional 6 seconds to the duration.<br><br><strong>Night Form</strong> - Passive<br>Increases Cold/Nature Resistance by 10%.<br><br><strong>Cloak of Shadows</strong> - Passive<br>Increases Dodge by 20%.<br><br>------------------------------<br>Lyric Thaumaturge<br>------------------------------<br><br><strong>Song of Valor</strong> - Sustainable<br>Same as Bard Talent, with the exception that it checks both Cunning and Magic and uses whichever is higher.<br><br><strong>Clap of Thunder</strong> - Single Target<br>A Lightning Bolt that does Physical Damage and checks both Cunning and Magic and uses whichever is higher for its Spellpower calculation. It also requires the target to pass a Physical Resistance check or suffer the effects of the Disorient spell.<br><br><strong>Song of Courage</strong> - Sustainable<br>Same as Bard Talent, with the exception that it checks both Cunning and Magic and uses whichever is higher.<br><br><strong>Sonic Might</strong> - Passive<br>Song of Valor/Courage now adds any Spellpower bonuses you may have to their calculations.<br>Clap of Thunder now adds both your Cunning and Magic Modifiers together to determine Spellpower.<br><br>------------------------------<br>Soul Blade<br>------------------------------<br><br><strong>Imbue Soul</strong> - Self Target<br>Destroys the item equipped in your main hand and adds a first level Soul Blade of the same item type to your inventory. If no item is equipped in the main hand, the off-hand item is destroyed and a first level Soul Blade/Shield of the same item type is added to your inventory. If neither hand is equipped with anything, the ability does nothing. If the item type is unrecognized, it will create a Soul Dagger.<br><br><strong>Empowered Soul</strong> - Passive<br>Imbue Soul now creates a second level Soul Blade/Shield.<br><br><strong>Second Shape</strong> - Passive<br>Imbue Soul will now destroy the items held in both hands and will create a Soul Blade/Shield for each.<br><br><strong>Reinforced Soul</strong> - Passive<br>Imbue Soul now creates third level Soul Blades/Shields.<br><br>------------<br>1st Level<br>------------<br><br>Melee Weapon: Increased Damage, No Attribute Requirements<br>Ranged Weapon: Bonus Spirit Damage, No Attribute Requirements<br>Staff: Bonus Spirit Damage, No Attribute Requirements<br>Shield: Increased Damage/Armor, No Attribute Requirements<br><br>Material Type: Steel or Yew Wood<br><br>------------<br>2nd Level<br>------------<br><br>Melee Weapon: Increased Damage, Attack Bonus, No Attribute Requirements<br>Ranged Weapon: Bonus Spirit Damage, Attack Bonus, No Attribute Requirements<br>Staff: Bonus Spirit Damage, Defense Bonus, No Attribute Requirements<br>Shield: Increased Damage/Armor, Increased Defense, No Attribute Requirements<br><br>Material Type: Silverite or Sylvan Wood<br><br>------------<br>3rd Level<br>------------<br><br>Melee Weapon: Increased Damage, Attack Bonus, Telekinetic, No Attribute Requirements<br>Ranged Weapon: Bonus Spirit Damage, Attack Bonus, Telekinetic, No Attribute Requirements<br>Staff: Bonus Spirit Damage, Defense Bonus, Mental/Physical Resistance Bonus, No Attribute Requirements<br>Shield: Increased Damage/Armor, Increased Defense, Mental/Physical Resistance Bonus, No Attribute Requirements<br><br>Material Tye: Spirit<br><br>------------------------------<br>Soul Reaver<br>------------------------------<br><br><strong>Soul Reaving</strong> - Sustainable<br>While active, each successfully devoured soul will restore (SoulLevel * 10) Health. Cannot be used at the same time as Soul Shaping or Soul Warding.<br><br><strong>Frightening Reave</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Reaving is active, each successfully devoured soul will force nearby enemies to pass a Mental Resistance check or cower in fear for 10 seconds.<br><br><strong>Terrorizing Reave</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Reaving is active, each successfully devoured soul will deal 20 Spirit Damage to nearby enemies.<br><br><strong>Empowered Reave</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Reaving is active, each successfully devoured soul will increase your Strength by 2 for 60 seconds. The duration is reduced to 30 seconds for souls devoured using Ravenous Incarnation.<br><br>------------------------------<br>Soul Shaper<br>------------------------------<br><br><strong>Soul Shaping</strong> - Sustainable<br>While active, each successfully devoured soul will increase your Attack Rating by 5 for 60 seconds. The duration is reduced to 30 seconds for souls devoured using Ravenous Incarnation. Cannot be used at the same time as Soul Reaving or Soul Warding.<br><br><strong>Deflecting Shape</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Shaping is active, each successfully devoured soul will increase your Defense Rating by 5 for 60 seconds. The duration is reduced to 30 seconds for souls devoured using Ravenous Incarnation.<br><br><strong>Piercing Shape</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Shaping is active, each successfully devoured soul will increase Armor Piercing by 2 for 60 seconds. The duration is reduced to 30 seconds for souls devoured using Ravenous Incarnation.<br><br><strong>Fortifying Shape</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Shaping is active, each successfully devoured soul will increase your Armor by 2 for 60 seconds. The duration is reduced to 30 seconds for souls devoured using Ravenous Incarnation.<br><br>------------------------------<br>Soul Warder<br>------------------------------<br><br><strong>Soul Warding</strong> - Sustainable<br>While active, each successfully devoured soul will restore (SoulLevel * 10) Mana/Stamina to nearby allies. Cannot be used at the same time as Soul Devouring or Soul Shaping, and Ravenous Incarnation devours will not trigger this.<br><br><strong>Cleansing Ward</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Warding is active, each successfully devoured soul will cast Dispel Magic on nearby allies. Ravenous Incarnation devours will not trigger this.<br><br><strong>Healing Ward</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Warding is active, each successfully devoured soul will restore (SoulLevel * 10) Health to nearby allies. Ravenous Incarnation devours will not trigger this.<br><br><strong>Reviving Ward</strong> - Passive<br>While Soul Warding is active, each successfully devoured soul will revive any nearby allies who have died. Ravenous Incarnation devours will not trigger this.<br><br>------------------------------<br>Spirit Shaman<br>------------------------------<br><br><strong>Manifest Animal</strong> - Sustainable<br>Summons a ghostly wolf, spider, or bear to fight for the caster. Requires the caster to have consumed the soul of a wolf, spider, or bear with one of the main spirit devouring abilities.<br><br><strong>Manifest Beast</strong> - Sustainable<br>Summons a ghostly deep stalker, werewolf, or bronto to fight for the caster. Requires the caster to have consumed the soul of a deep stalker, werewolf, or bronto with one of the main spirit devouring abilities.<br><br><strong>Manifest Dragon</strong> - Sustainable<br>Summons a ghostly dragonling, drake, or dragon to fight for the caster. Requires the caster to have consumed the soul of a dragonling, drake, dragon, or high dragon with one of the main spirit devouring abilities.<br><br><strong>Manifest Demon</strong> - Sustainable<br>Summons a ghostly rage demon, shade, or desire demon to fight for the caster. Requires the caster to have consumed the soul of a rage demon, shade, or desire demon with one of the main spirit devouring abilities.<br><br></caster>