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Created by

Martin Persson

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About this mod

This module adds the paladin class as a specialization for warrior characters. There are 8 new abilities added divided into two groups, holy and retribution.

Permissions and credits
Paladin Specialization
Version 1.3


[1] Description
[2] Compatibility
[3] Installation
[4] Paladin abilities
[5] Customization
[6] Changelog
[7] Credits

[1] Description

This module adds the paladin class as a specialization available to warrior classes. To unlock the
specialization the player must have earned the achievment "Last of the Wardens".

There are currently a total of 8 new abilities available in the paladin specialization. The abilities
are divided into two groups, holy and retribution. Holy abilities focuses on defense and crowd-
controlling (in the case of Turn Evil) while retribution focuses on offensive abilities.

A list of added abilities can be found below.

Thanks for playing and hopefully enjoying my mod!

[2] Compatibility

From 1.0 RC2 and on this module is compatible with Awakenings. I've heard no complaints on compatibility
issues with other mods so far. I also use GDA id's pretty far from the core files but there's always a
risk of some other mod using the same, time will tell.

Known compatible mods:
  • Advanced Tactics
  • Combat Tweaks
  • Character Respec Addon (Currently requires a patch to make it work for Paladin abilities)

Incompatible mods:
  • None that I know of.

[3] Installation

Install the dazip package using either DAModder or daupdater (located in "Dragon Age Origins\bin_ship\").

To uninstall delete the paladin_spec folder from "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns" and
delete paladin_spec_package.erf file from "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data".

[4] Paladin abilities

Holy abilities:

An aura of devotion radiates from the paladin, providing a bonus to armor and defense. The strength
of the aura will improve with the paladins' willpower. Party members within 10 meters are affected by
the aura at a slightly reduced level. Only one aura may be active at the same time.

  • Requirement: 12 Willpower
  • Upkeep: 35, Fatigue: 10%
  • +Armor(3.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 0.25)
  • +Defense (3.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 0.25)

Lay on Hands
The paladin channels divine energy through a friendly target, healing him for a large amount
depending on the paladins' willpower and level.

  • Requirement: 16 Willpower
  • Cost: 30, Cooldown: 30s
  • Heals for (50.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 5.0).

Turn Evil
Every 5 seconds there is a 65% chance that hostile undead and darkspawn creatures within 5 meters
will cower in fear for 3 seconds; unless they pass a mental resistance check against the paladins'
willpower. When this ability is active the paladin receives a large reduction to combat stamina
regeneration. The aura will automatically cancel if the paladin doesn't have enough stamina left
to maintain it.

  • Requirement: 20 Willpower, Level 10
  • Upkeep: 0, Fatigue: 0%, Stamina regeneration penalty of -6.0
  • Does not affect bosses or elite bosses.

Divine Intervention
In dire need the paladin may call upon the divine to aid his party. All injuries will be cured, any
hostile effects will be dispelled and everyones health and mana/stamina will be completely restored.

  • Requirement: 24 Willpower, Level 12
  • Cost: 0, Cooldown: 900s

Retribution abilities:

The paladin is filled with righteous fury, increasing attack speed and trading defense for attack rating.
The bonuses and penalties will increase with the paladins' willpower. Party members within 10 meters will
be affected by the aura; however they only receive a bonus to attack.
Only one aura may be active at the same time.

  • Requirement: 12 Willpower
  • Upkeep: 35, Fatigue: 30%
  • +(5.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 0.5)% attack speed
  • +Attack (3.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 0.25)
  • -Defense (3.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 0.25)
  • Party members receive 2/3 of the attack bonus, no penalty to defense or attack speed increase.

Bless weapon
The paladin blesses the equipped weapon, making it deal additional holy damage with each successful
strike. The amount of bonus damage depend on the speed of the equipped weapon and will improve with the
paladins' willpower.

  • Requirement: 16 Willpower
  • Upkeep: 20, Fatigue: 5%
  • Bonus DPS of (0.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 0.25).

Smite Evil
The paladin smites the target creature, dealing spirit damage depending on the paladins' willpower
and level. Smite inflicts 50% additional damage against undead and darkspawn creatures, who also must
succeed in a mental resistance check against the paladins' willpower or cover in fear for 5 seconds.

  • Requirement: 20 Willpower, Level 10
  • Cost: 20, Cooldown: 15s
  • Spirit damage (40.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 1.5)

The paladin infuses the ground with divine power. Hostile creatures within 5 meters suffer spirit
damage every 2 seconds for 30 seconds and receive a penalty to defense. Attacks that cause spirit damage,
including consecration itself, will ignore up to 25% spirit resistance of undead and darkspawn targets
while they remain in the consecrated area. The damage and defense penalty will improve with the paladins'

  • Requirement: 24 Willpower, Level 12
  • Cost: 50, Cooldown: 60s
  • Damage per tick is (0.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 0.5).
  • Defense penalty is (0.0 + (Willpower - 10) x 0.25).
  • Undead & darkspawn will have spirit resistance reduced to 0% (max 25% reduction).

[5] Customization

Starting with v1.2 it's possible to change the base levels and scaling factors of most skills. To do that
you need to add entries to the DragonAge.ini file located in "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings".

Cut and paste the following to the end of DragonAge.ini and then change the values you want.
Remember that all skills scale according to (Base + ((Willpower - 10) * Factor)).


The mod will automatically reload settings whenever a paladin ability (including auras) haven't been used
for 10 seconds. So if you update the values in the .ini file you can deactivate all sustainable paladin
abilities and then reactivate them after 10 seconds and they should now be using the updated values.

You can also execute "runscript divine_reload" to force a reload of the settings instantly.

[6] Changelog

Version 1.3:
- Reduced base value of Bless Weapon & Consecration. The factors remain the same so the abilities
still scale well with increasing willpower.
- Divine Intervention now affects the whole party.
- Smite Evil is now a ranged attack and has a more appropriate animation.
- Smite Evil bonus damage against undead & darkspawn has been reduced to 25%.
- Improved handling of custom settings (restart of Dragon Age no longer required to update).
- Turn Evil now allows darkspawn and undead creatures to ignore the effect 35% of the time.
It will also automatically cancel if the paladin doesn't have enough stamina left to maintain it.
- Corrected some spelling mistakes.

Version 1.2:
- Attack bonus on Fanaticism fixed, it was always giving +1 attack rating.
- The haste bonus from Fanaticism now scales with willpower.
- All abilities now scale according to the following model: Base + ((Willpower - 10) * ScaleFactor).
- It is now possible to customize the base values and scaling factor of most abilities by adding
entries to the DragonAge.ini file. For more information see section [5].

Version 1.1:
- Fanaticism no longer apply attack speed increase to party members. The attack speed on the paladin
itself will correctly stack with other abilities that increase attack speed. It will also recalculate
the bonus automatically if the paladin gain attack speed from another ability after Fanaticism has
been activated. Fanaticism also calculates its own attack speed increase correctly.
- Bless weapon is now a sustainable ability for low upkeep cost (it is meant to make it possible for
the paladin to invest heavily in willpower and still do competitive damage).
- Bless weapon will now scale its damage depending on the speed of the equipped weapon. Damage bonus
is calculated to be equal over time and it will update automatically if the player switches weapons.
- Reworked Consecration, defense penalty is reduced but now applies for all creatures.
Undead & darkspawn receive up to 25% reduction to spirit resistance (but will not go below 0%).
- Removed level from having an impact on several abilities, these abilities will benefit more from
willpower to compensate.

Version 1.0 final:
- Significantly increased the damage of Consecration. (0.2 to 0.5 scale factor).
- Doubled radius of Devotion and Fanaticism auras (from 5 to 10 meters).
- Decreased cooldown of Lay on Hands from 60s to 30s.
- Removed possibility of Turn Evil to affect boss type creatures.
- Reduced cost of Divine Intervention to 0.
- Divine Intervention now also removes all injuries.

Version 1.0 rc2:
- Now compatible with Awakenings expansion.
- Updated some talent descriptions.
- Changed Fanaticism VFX on party members when they enter aura range. Now less annoying :-)

Version 1.0 rc1.1:
- Corrected tooltip for the Devotion talent.

Version 1.0 rc1:
- Initial version

[7] Credits

Thanks to everyone who have provided good constructive feedback on the forum to help me improve this mod,
it is very much appreciated!

Thanks to weirdguy508 for testing, ideas and encouragement :)

Thanks to Dennis Lee for posting the source for Combat Tweaks. I learned alot from there and it made my
work faster.

Thanks to BioWare for making games that can be modded :-).