Return to Ferelden Expansion 2 - Teaser 10

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Coming this Fall/Winter...
Return to Ferelden Expansion 2

"What I am modding at the moment" for the next RtF expansion teaser. Something small but chipping away at my mod, map pins on the world map. Activated after entering the applicable area maps.


  1. SerZachky
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Can't wait to play this new content !
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 45 kudos
      At this time I need to (but on a break-ish) add more quests (then do a full game test run), so it isn't just enter area -> kill hostiles -> get treasure -> leave. The problem is Awakening didn't have many quests to start with and some I cannot replicate (either out of scripting difficulty or that it wouldn't make sense). So they'd be fairly custom made quests, and I do want to keep it lore friendly. Also, I scrolled back on some content, so I wouldn't be working on this till next spring or get too burnt out (it would just be a next content expansion aka Expansion 3).
    2. SerZachky
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Tho my current mod project is much smaller than what you're doing, but I can see how many stuff/task you have to deal with. Guess you have a support team to share the burden? 
       (Even the "full game test" is not for fun, LOL. I'm currently doing this s#*! for my mod so I know how it feels, it's my 2nd time test)

      Keep a good balance between mod dev/work and life, and be ready to get tons of endorsement once the expansion is released! 
    3. HollownessDevoured
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      • 45 kudos
      I have a few modder friends I consult with when I get stuck with scripting. And try the forums when I hit a snag or roadblock. But besides that it is just me.

      I would have loved to have had someone take on cut scenes and VO so it could have audio dialogue (I can't seem to figure out how to transfer awakening audio dialogue or merge Awakening music to Origins). I have no experience on that stuff and might be a bit above my pay grade XD
    4. HollownessDevoured
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      • 45 kudos
       (Even the "full game test" is not for fun, LOL. I'm currently doing this s#*! for my mod so I know how it feels, it's my 2nd time test)
      Oh yes, full game test throughs, can end up multiple test runs XD I try test with a currently existing, almost complete, game as long as I can before I do the full run. Even then you can find so many errors X /
    5. SerZachky
      • member
      • 5 kudos
  2. Puffhime
    • supporter
    • 48 kudos
    you a wonder and awesome in doing this =3

    cant wait for this amazing content mod
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 45 kudos
      I hope I don't disappoint! :)