Dragon Age: Origins
Aleida Aeducan

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Thanks to Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack (https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4689), my Aeducan princess can -sort of- clear her name by finding evidence that implicates Bhelen. There is no official acknowledgement by the Shaperate, but Harrowmont confirms that it is so. Doesn't really matter though; Aleida is done with Orzammar. Upon completing the Paragon of her Kind quest, she vows to never return to the city she once called home (a vow she then swiflty breaks in order to help a certain golem remember again.)

Just like Sten is once more at peace when his sword is returned to him, so Aleida is satisfied that evidence was brought to light that exonerates her from fratricide, even if it is merely a personal redemption.

Now the Ultimate Sacrifice -which seemed to have been her only way to regain some honor in my previous iterations of the Dwarven princess- is no longer required to offer her a satisfactory ending. In the past she would have told Morrigan that there are worse fates than death -something the Witch of the Wilds is unwilling to discuss further.

Aleida always believed that Dwarven honor could be so much more than just a veneer of keeping up appearances; after Bhelen's grab for power, she was no longer inclined to see it that way. Dwarves are dense and dishonest; deceitful. Phrases such as: "Even if the world ends tomorrow [Lord Harrowmont] cannot ignore Bhelen today." How's that for stupidity?