Dragon Age: Origins

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Remember Keili? The apprentice you find praying in the Chapel who wants more than anything to free herself from magic (and who later develops severe post traumatic stress during the Broken Circle quest, poor darling)? Here's a face morph I made for her. I don't know why, but I feel rather fond of her for some reason. I just wanna scoop her up and feed her some homemade soup and help her through her the suffering of her ordeal, and maybe help her see that she's no less worthy than anyone else for having magic.

Something that's always intrigued me is that she had already been traumatized long before the Circle was compromised. She speaks of magic as though she has already witnessed the horrors it can unleash first hand and even displays hopefulness at the prospect of becoming tranquil. I wonder how she came to the tower; perhaps her powers manifested dreadfully and she accidentally killed or maimed someone as a child. Or maybe she was an apostate and turned herself in. Perhaps she hears the whispers of demons in her dreams and fears that she's not strong enough to hold out against them for the rest of her life.

I love NPCs like Keili, lol


  1. Risibisi
    • premium
    • 269 kudos
    Oh, she looks so cuuuute and I love her ruffled hair look- fits her character.
    It's a very good morph. Well done!
    1. JAPhoenix
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Thank you!
  2. Barnzi88
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    Cute morph!
    1. JAPhoenix
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  3. Qessanea
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    That's an interesting theory. I'd always assumed she was just weak and not particularly bright and had been manipulated by the Chantry to believe the propaganda about mages. As much as I have always loved playing the character type of a magic-loathing mage, I always found Keili unpleasant.

    But your morph is great. It captures what you have speculated about her background. The shadows under her eyes are a particularly nice touch for a tormented soul
    1. JAPhoenix
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      I love speculating about NPCs most people would probably not think twice about...like Kaitlin and Bevin and Bella, Slim Couldry, Adal Helmi, that creepy kid with the finger bone in Haven--etc.

      Thank you!
  4. patdc
    • premium
    • 73 kudos
    Nice Morph of her
    1. JAPhoenix
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      • 10 kudos