Dragon Age: Origins
The Anvil of the Void

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The companions progressed further into the Deep Roads. Markus was plagued by worry and distress every step of the way. Morrigan stayed by his side and kept him as calm as possible.

Eventually they encountered Oghren's wife, Branka, and she told them her story. She'd only help them sort out the problem of Orzammar's king if they'd make it through Caridin's maze of traps to fetch the Anvil of the Void for her. She'd blocked the way behind them, so there was no other choice.

After they passed the final trap, they entered a massive hall to find a collection of golems. One, larger than the others, addressed them, much to their shock, and introduced itself as Caridin. Then Markus had to listen to yet another person (or being) tell them their tragic story. Longer ago than he cared to remember, Caridin had created the Anvil and with it, he could craft steel and stone giants that were juggernauts in battle, the equal of a dozen dwarven warriors. However, this required the use of the souls of the living in a dark procedure akin to blood magic. Countless dwarves either volunteered themselves or were sacrificed to become golems, living souls trapped within stone or metal. Caridin pleaded with them to help him destroy the Anvil so that no more evil might be done with it.

Then Branka rushed in, demanding that Markus give her the Anvil.

But Markus was lost in his own turmoil. To side with Caridin was the obvious 'moral' choice, as it was the only way to be sure living souls were never fed again to the Anvil. But Branka would make them a crown to settle the power struggle currently going on in Orzammar. And with her help, they could make golems to help defeat the Blight.

Markus Cousland, raised by noble parents in a human culture that valued moral behaviour as dictated and sanctioned by governing religious and state bodies, found the notion of keeping the Anvil reprehensible. But Warden Markus knew it would be an invaluable tool in the struggle against the darkspawn that might make all the difference.

Seething behind all these rational arguments was the sinister power of the taint, making him crave violence and destruction and pain. Who knew where these supposedly sound arguments came from? Was it really himself thinking all these thoughts or was the monster within dressing up the worse option with the practical logic of the Grey Warden philosophy -- anything to survive?

Markus' head ached, and his wandering thoughts turned to Duncan. Duncan had thought him worthy of being a Warden, even knowing about the potential danger. How Markus regretted that he would never know his real father. that the man wasn't around to counsel him. He heard Duncan's voice in his head, telling him that Wardens did whatever it took to conquer Blights.

He looked up and announced that he would preserve the Anvil of the Void.


They made their way back up to Orzammar, with Oghren carrying the big, ugly crown like a packhorse.

Markus spoke about his decision with Morrigan and began to see that he had made the best choice. He believed that, when it came to the crunch, it was what Duncan and any Warden worthy of the title would have done. As they travelled higher and higher, his certainty grew, and it seemed as though the inner darkness receded. He sensed it retreat to a small corner of his self like a wounded animal, and he rejoiced in what must surely be a victory.

In the Assembly chamber, it came time to announce their findings to Harrowmont, Bhelen, and the deshyrs. He'd already promised his support to Harrowmont -- it had been he who sent Markus and his group into the Deep Roads to find Branka in the first place.

He opened his mouth to say that Branka had chosen Harrowmont. Before he could put the thought into words, the horrid tainted monster within surged up and locked its tentacles around his soul. Fractured thoughts flashed through his mind ... Bhelen would be a better ruler in the current climate ... Harrowmont might be a good king in a time of peace, but this wasn't a time of peace ... Bhelen was ruthless and practical and not bound by scruples ...

"Branka chose Bhelen." Markus heard his own words bounce off the walls of the Assembly chamber.


  1. Thriff
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    Fine picture. The point is that when deliberation begins, everything has been decided previously ('les jeux sont faits' writes Sartre; the game is up); who you choose as counselor (Morrigan) proves that nothing is left to decide.
  2. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    Wonderfully written indeed, ånd not å bad choice giving Bhelen the crown
  3. Naktis
    • account closed
    • 74 kudos
    Whoa! Those are some huge swords. Great story too, as always.
  4. ahlewis32
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Another moral question goes by. You express Markus' turmoil so well here. He wars against who he is, who he was and who he is becoming. Well done!
  5. Rosshiro
    • member
    • 36 kudos
    Brilliant story. A classic pose.
  6. Primed58
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    I have never kept the anvil, but I have made Bhelen King, wonderfully written story Qess. Marcus' struggle epitomizes what we all fight within on a hard choice. Awesome!
  7. retln8
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    Wow... uh... wow. Holy Maker! The writing is brilliant and ... and... wow. More please?
  8. LadyBlackhawk
    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    Good for Markus, keeping the Anvil and appointing Bhelen King.
  9. Qessanea
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    Certainly beats the tired old 'lol'! LOL *clap, clap, clap*
  10. Risibisi
    • premium
    • 270 kudos
    What a dramatically turn at the end! Wonderful! A pleasure to read! *clap,calp- today is applause day ;-) *